這是你想像中的台北嗎?跟我一起走進平易近人的狂野森林,這裡的動植物們你認識多少? 一起參加玩徒公社的陽明山冒險吧 Hiking Adventures in Taipei
鹿堀坪古道是台北與萬里之間歷史悠久的古道,過去作為貿易用途而現今是一個非常漂亮的登山步道,穿過茂密的森林,有潺潺的小溪、茂密的森林、美麗的瀑布以及各種各樣的植物和鳥類。 特別感謝Columbia帶領這一次特別有趣的活動,並帶我們前往Camp Taipei,現場還有安排烤肉以及並測試大家的攀岩技巧,猜猜看我在測驗過程中有沒有辦法破紀錄呢? 未來還會舉辦相關的健行活動,可以持續關注Columbia官方網站 官方臉書連結: https://www.facebook.com/columbiataiwan/ 官方IG連結 @columbiasportswear_taiwan #ColumbiaHikeSociety #KONOS #Columbiasportsweartw Lukuping Old Trail was a historic trade route between Taipei and Wanli. Now it's a beautiful hiking trail through a lush forest with an babbling creek, lush forest, beautiful waterfall, and a wide variety of plants and birds. Thanks Columbia玩徒公社 for taking me on this wonderful adventure. Afterwards we went to Camp Taipei for BBQ and to test our climbing skills. Do you think I beat the camp speed record? They will have more events like this in the future. Check out Colombia's website for more details.