美國老爹千里迢迢來台追隨儒家思想的奧秘,操縱兒子說明書 Dad Moved to Taiwan Just to Make me do Chores ft. @EmmaSleepTaiwan
上一次和我父母同住的回憶,他們會為我打理所有的事情,那時候的生活非常輕鬆。時間飛逝,事隔20 年,情況已經完全相反。 這一切怎麼發生的?我爸爸適應文化的速度太快了,已經完全融入台灣。 跪求各位台灣兒女的建議和訣竅,如何讓家中無所事事的父母生活增加樂趣,讓他們願意幫忙做家事呢?院子需要修繕,我們必須用水泥填補坑洞、植物也需要澆水。 我並不是要求他免費做這些事,我為他買了新的 Black Diamond Emma 床墊,這是他出生以來睡過最柔軟的床墊。 ___________________________________________________________________________________ ❤為花蓮加油 · 用行動支持! 🛏德國Emma瞭解到台灣花蓮於2024/4/3發生強震,決定聯手招募大家一起募款 ⏰自4/3開始至4/30,凡購買任Emma 商品,德國Emma 將捐出訂單金額的5%給財團法人賑災基金會,為台灣重建家園盡一份力! 母親節 Mother's Day 最低55折!用專屬9折折扣碼:xiaofeifb,官網活動額外再打9折! 🛌 Emma官網:https://links.emma-sleep.com.tw/xiaofeifb (點進網址會直接帶入折扣碼) My last memory of living with my parents was them taking care of everything, and I was living easy. Fast forward 20 years and suddenly it's the other way around. How did this happen? My dad is adapting to the culture too fast. Any tips and tricks from all the sons and daughters for how to get your freeloading parents to work around the house? The yard need works, we have to fill in the potholes with concrete, and the plants need watering. It's not like I'm asking him to do it for free. I got him the new Black Diamond Emma Mattress, it's their softest mattress yet. 00:00 爸爸欺負我 01:21 第一次舖水泥 04:22 給爸爸新的床 (德國Emma合作) 07:41 水泥做好了嗎? 09:37 植樹