SomeVlog Ep.99|小木屋四天三夜🏚️流星雨極光夜💫
✨請點開資訊欄 ✨ 這次跟朋友們去小木屋度過四天三夜 孩子們睡了後可以愜意的烤棉花糖、小酌、看夜景、閒聊 平時生活忙碌真的很少機會可以跟朋友們密集相處 總是約適合孩子們的玩樂地點匆匆度過一天 這次的小木屋真的感受很好也很難忘 會是2024暑假的亮點之一⭐ ---------------------------- ✔️PRODUCTS MENTIONED 小木屋 ---------------------------- ✔️IG Instagram: somethingshelley ---------------------------- ✔️MUSIC 1. Belle Epoque - The Devil's Sway 2. La Felicidad - Caro Luna 3. Puppies and Kids - Stationary Sign 4. Sweet Lemons - Ludlow 5. Instincts - Ludlow *All the musics are from Epidemic, a royalty free site that needs monthly payment to access. 音樂都是從Epidemic付費網站合法下載使用 ---------------------------- 💌Business Inquiries: FTC: This video is NOT sponsored! (Some links are affiliated, thank you for the support if you guys decided to purchase through them.) 這支影片不是合作! (有些產品網址是有回饋的但不影響購買價錢)