《彈一場完美戀愛》live骰子大神劇場版讓張豐豪滿身大汗臉紅心跳的原因是?!涂善存已經身經百戰!_first note of love【電癮好選喆Top movie picks】
#涂善存 #張豐豪 #彈一場完美戀愛 突如其來的意外,奪走了Magnet樂團鍵盤手Matt的生命,主唱同時也是其親弟弟Neil大受打擊隨即宣布引退,這場噩耗摧毀了粉絲們的夢,包含少年小海。六年後,天賦異稟的小海因著自創曲,收到一封新曲製作的邀請信,合作對象竟是消失六年的樂團歌手Neil!表面開朗的Neil是為了掩蓋他的不安全感,遲遲無法復出是因為無法克服舞臺恐懼的心魔;不懂愛人的小海,與學習重捨自信的Neil,兩人在音樂中療癒彼此、在愛情裡雙向奔赴,要讓世界聽見他們嶄新的聲音。 A tragic car accident takes the life of Matt, the keyboardist of the band Magent. His brother Neil, the vocalist, is devastated and subsequently announces his retirement — leaving their fans, including a young boy named Sea, with shattered dreams. Six years later, the talented Sea receives an invitation to work with none other than his idol Neil. But the accident has broken the once proud and loud Neil, now dealing with anxiety issues and stage fright. Sea, on the other hand, has yet to learn how to love. Together with Neil, they will heal each other with music and dive head first into their dreams by making the world hear their new shared voice. 🔔喆的YouTube頻道訂閱起乃🔔 【電癮好選喆Top movie picks】👉 https://goo.gl/3S03OY 【喆的動物園】👉https://reurl.cc/9rv2nj Apple Podcast👉https://reurl.cc/Q9RzVq Google Podcast👉https://reurl.cc/LbWR2K 喆的FB 👉 https://www.facebook.com/News.Liza/ 喆的IG 👉 https://www.instagram.com/chienliza/