張超雄兩年前以難民身份入境加拿大 🇨🇦,今天重拾教鞕,努力重新定位|#記香港人
訂閱《綠豆》:https://www.youtube.com/@UCLYWo70xBDrPYJgJsxoX7Qg 《綠豆》網頁 :https://greenbean.media/ =============== 兩年多前以難民身份來到加拿大多倫多的張超雄,來到新地方,面對住陌生的環境,一步一步適應新生活。他付出更多時間,和太太一起照顧有特殊需要的女兒,重新連結香港人社群,最近更重拾教鞕,繼續傳授經驗和知識。面對新的角色和轉變,張超雄仍然堅持信念,逆流而上地走下去。 Fernando Cheung, who came to Toronto over 2 years ago as a refugee, faced a new environment and gradually adapted to his new life. He invested more time, taking care of his daughters with special needs together with his wife, reconnecting with the local Hong Kongers’ community, and recently resumed teaching, continuing to share his experience and knowledge. Despite the new roles and changes, Fernando Cheung remains steadfast in his beliefs and continues to move forward, going against the tide. 節目內容 00:00 張超雄被迫離開香港原因 08:18 在加拿大不忘初衷 12:40 在加拿大重拾教鞕 相關影片 📺 https://youtu.be/w3_hMDp-mhw 📺 https://youtu.be/7r74JUkUK5k 📺 https://youtu.be/oFFMGyF7ivE 📺 https://youtu.be/RebS-_bR6Yk