台北電玩展最大亮點! Let's explore the 2025 Taipei Game Show
安安我阿傑,CC字幕按讚三連 這個週末最大的電玩盛事,非台北電玩展莫屬啦! 當然還是要帶大家逛逛這個又真實又香噴噴的地方~ 今年展會亮點滿滿,包括任天堂、卡普空、光榮特庫摩等大廠,還有超多獨立遊戲作品登場!此外,還有超夯的手機遊戲像是《棕色塵埃2》和《鳴潮》等等,絕對讓你目不暇給! 我們已經帶大家繞了一圈,接下來就準備出發吧!目標:台北南港,GO! 影片帶你逛2025台北電玩展,從人氣攤位試玩到玩家Cosplay互動, 現場人潮洶湧氣氛熱烈,各大廠商新作與限定周邊吸引目光。 段落 00:00前言 00:10 開場進場 00:37 進場 01:30 光榮特庫摩 03:52 Nintendo, 任天堂 06:14 各種試玩 07:08 最多人的地方 08:40 結語 Hi everyone, it's me, RJ! Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe with CC subtitles! The biggest gaming event this weekend is none other than the Taipei Game Show! Of course, I’ll take you on a tour of this exciting and vibrant place. This year’s exhibition is packed with highlights, featuring major companies like Nintendo, Capcom, and Koei Tecmo, along with tons of indie game showcases! Additionally, there are super popular mobile games like Brown Dust 2 and Wuthering Waves that will leave you dazzled! We’ve already scoped out the area, so now it’s time to head out! Destination: Taipei Nangang. Let’s go!