(中英逐字稿) 意想不到的英語!用「Out of the blue」這樣說英語!
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And that is out of the blue. 這個片語就是——「Out of the blue」。 Oh, that's a good one. 哦,這個真的很好用! What does it mean? What's going on here? 它的意思是什麼?到底是怎麼來的呢? So out of the blue means something happens that's unexpected. 「Out of the blue」的意思是,某件事發生得非常突然、完全出乎意料。 Unexpected and suddenly. 又突然,又令人意想不到。 So something happens suddenly. Is that out of the blue? 所以只要某件事突然發生,就可以說「Out of the blue」嗎? Well, not exactly. It's more than just sudden. It has that element of surprise and the lack of warning. 不完全是哦!這不只是「突然」,還帶有一種「毫無預警的驚訝感」。 So, it's not like you were expecting it at all. 也就是說,你完全沒有預期它會發生。 Exactly. Like something that just comes out of nowhere. 沒錯!就像某件事突然「從天而降」一樣。 Out of nowhere. 完全是「憑空冒出來」。 Yeah. 對,就是這種感覺! But like, where does that come from? Out of the blue? Where's the blue come from? 但這個片語的「blue(藍色)」是從哪裡來的呢?它的由來是什麼? Well, that's a good question. 這是個好問題! Is it like blue paint? 是跟藍色的油漆有關嗎? It's not like blue paint. 哈哈,跟藍色油漆沒什麼關係啦。 Okay. 哦,了解。 But it's thought to come from the image of a clear blue sky, you know. 其實,它的靈感可能來自「晴朗的藍天」,你知道嗎? Oh, yeah. 哦,這樣說好像有點道理! And then suddenly… 然後突然間…… Yes, exactly. Something unexpected happens, like a storm rolling in. 沒錯!就像天氣突然變天,一場暴風雨毫無預警地襲來。 Oh, so it's like the sky is blue and then suddenly a storm comes. 哦!所以意思是「本來晴空萬里,結果突然下起暴風雨」這樣的感覺? Exactly. That element of surprise. 完全正確!就是那種「意想不到」的驚訝感。 Okay. 好,我懂了! So just like that, something unexpected happens out of the blue. 所以,「Out of the blue」就是指某件事「突然發生,毫無預警」。 Out of the blue. Yeah. 對,就是這樣,「Out of the blue」! Okay. So, I mean, is it more casual? Like, how would you use this in an actual sentence? 那這個片語是比較口語的嗎?該怎麼在日常對話中使用它呢? Yeah, definitely. It's a casual phrase, you know, like you would use it in everyday conversations with friends or family. 沒錯!這是一個非常口語化的片語,你可以在跟朋友或家人聊天時自然地使用它。 So not like if I'm writing an email to my boss. 所以如果我要寫信給老闆,就不適合用這個片語,對吧? Probably not for a formal email to your boss. No. 對,正式的商務郵件就不太適合使用這個片語。 Okay. So give me like an example. How would you use this if you were just like talking to somebody? 好,那你可以舉個例子嗎?如果是日常對話,我該怎麼用這個片語? Let's say you're talking to a friend and you say, "Oh my gosh, my friend from high school just called me out of the blue." 假設你在跟朋友聊天,你可以說:「天啊!我高中同學突然打電話給我,超級意外!」 Oh wow. 哇,真的很突然! Yeah. After years of not speaking. 對啊,已經好幾年沒聯絡了! So that's not just they called you suddenly. 所以這不只是「突然打來」而已,對吧? Yeah. 對! It's that you had no idea that they were even thinking about you. 而是你完全沒想到對方還會記得你,或者還會聯絡你! Exactly. You didn't expect it at all. It just happened. 沒錯!你完全沒預料到,它就是突然發生了。 And so that "out of the blue" really emphasizes that. 所以「Out of the blue」可以強調那種「超出預期」的感覺。 Yes. It really highlights that element of surprise. 對!它真的能夠表現出那種「驚喜感」。 Wow. 哇,真的很有趣! And lack of warning. 而且完全沒有任何預兆! I like it. It does. It adds a little spice. 我喜歡這個片語,感覺讓對話更生動! It does. So, how would you use it? Have you ever had something happen to you out of the blue? 對吧!那你自己有沒有遇過什麼「Out of the blue」的事情呢? Oh, all the time. 哦,這種事我常常遇到! I mean, you know, I can't think of a specific example right now, but… 呃,現在一時想不到具體的例子,但是…… Oh, okay. 哦,好吧! But yeah, like I can totally see myself using this. I'm sure I've used it before without even thinking about it. 但我覺得這個片語真的很實用,而且我應該早就不自覺地用過它了! And that's the goal, right? To use it naturally. 這就是我們學習的目標——讓它變成你的自然用語! It sounds like a native speaker. 這樣說起來就會更像母語人士! So, when you use it in a sentence, where does it go? 那這個片語在句子裡應該放在哪裡呢? You can usually put it at the beginning or the end of a sentence. 通常可以放在句子的開頭或結尾。 Okay. 好,了解。 It acts like an adverbial phrase. 它的作用類似副詞片語。 Yeah, you know, modifying the whole sentence. 對,就是在修飾整句話的語氣。 So, it could be like, "Out of the blue, she decided to move to Australia." 舉個例子,你可以說:「突然間,她決定搬去澳洲。」 Exactly. 沒錯! Or, "She decided to move to Australia out of the blue." 或者:「她決定搬去澳洲,完全出乎意料。」 Yeah, both work. 對,兩種說法都可以。 Okay, cool. 哦,太棒了! And it still emphasizes that surprise. 而且不管放在哪裡,都能夠強調那種「出乎意料」的感覺。 Yeah. And it doesn’t sound weird in either place. 對,而且不管放在哪個位置,都很自然。 No, it flows naturally. 沒錯,聽起來很順。 Okay. 好的。 So, you have flexibility. 所以它的用法其實蠻靈活的。 I like flexibility. I like options. 我喜歡靈活的用法,這樣選擇更多! Me too. 我也是! So, we've talked about how it's casual. 我們剛剛提到這是個比較口語化的片語。 Yes. 對的。 Are there any situations where it's maybe not so casual? 那有沒有什麼情況下,它可能不太適合使用? You have to be mindful of the context, you know. 你還是要注意使用的場合和上下文。 Oh, like you wouldn’t use it with your boss, probably. 哦,比如說,在跟老闆講話時可能不適合用這個片語。 Right. But imagine a situation where you’re in a more professional setting, and a colleague proposes something completely unexpected. 沒錯!但如果你在職場上,遇到同事提出一個完全出乎意料的提案…… You might say, "That proposal came out of the blue." 你可能會說:「這個提案完全讓人意想不到。」 But you probably wouldn’t use it in a very formal report or presentation. 但在正式的報告或簡報裡,可能就不太適合使用這個片語。 Right. 沒錯。 So, it depends on the situation and the tone. 所以還是要根據當時的場合和語氣來判斷。 So, it’s like a little bit more professional than slang. 所以它比俚語正式一點,但又沒有到商務用語那麼正式。 Exactly. 完全正確! But not quite like business formal. 但也還不到正式商務用語的程度。 Yeah, it’s somewhere in between. 對,它介於口語與正式用語之間。 Okay, so use your judgment. 好,總之還是要自己判斷什麼時候適合用。 Got it. So, just to recap, out of the blue is our go-to phrase for expressing that surprise. 了解!那我們總結一下,「Out of the blue」就是我們用來表達「驚訝」的最佳片語。 A genuine surprise. 一種真正的「驚喜感」。 When something is unexpected. 當某件事情發生得非常突然,完全沒預料到的時候。 Exactly. 沒錯! The bolt from the blue. 就像「晴天霹靂」一樣的震撼。 And it really helps you sound more natural when you’re speaking English. 而且用這個片語,會讓你的英文聽起來更加自然、道地。 It does. 對啊,真的會! Um, so I think we’ve covered just about everything there is to know about out of the blue. 嗯,我覺得我們已經把「Out of the blue」這個片語講得很詳細了! I think so. 我也這麼覺得。 Any last words of advice for our listeners? 那最後,有什麼給聽眾的建議嗎? Well, I would say try to notice how often things happen out of the blue in your own life. 嗯,我會建議大家試著去注意,生活中有多少事情是「Out of the blue」發生的。 Ooh, you might be surprised how often this idiom applies. 哦,搞不好你會發現,這個片語適用的情境比你想像的還要多! Yeah. 對啊! And you can even try using it in your conversations to add a little more color to your language. 你也可以試著在日常對話中使用這個片語,讓你的英文更生動、更有表達力! That’s right. And that’s what it’s all about—making your English sound a little bit more natural, a little bit more colorful. 沒錯,這就是學語言的樂趣!讓你的英文聽起來更自然、更有趣。 Exactly. 完全正確! So, thanks so much for joining us on this deep dive into Out of the Blue. 感謝大家跟我們一起深入探討「Out of the blue」這個片語! It was my pleasure. 不客氣,我也玩得很開心! And we’ll see you next time. 那我們下次再見囉! See you later. Bye. 下次見,掰掰! ▶【海外朋友】行動支持贊助我們 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/MjEnglish ▶【更多PDF下載】 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mjenglish/extras ▶學習更多請訂閱MJ英語 https://bit.ly/3CZWWLm ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 👍推薦💪 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 英文打字必用自動改錯工具 Grammarly(免費) ‣‣ https://grammarly.go2cloud.org/SH3E5 🎉追劇必備Nord VPN 安全、快速把全世界看透透(現正優惠) ‣‣ https://go.nordvpn.net/SH53d 📈 每個Youtuber必備的數據分析工具(免費) ‣‣ https://www.tubebuddy.com/mjLanguages 🗣領取10美元學習金 | 開始1對1口說練習 : ‣‣ https://go.italki.com/mjlanguages -- Hosting provided by SoundOn