戰神 God of War,#AI寫歌 #SUNO寫歌
戰神 God of War 作詞Lyric:梅楣Mei Mei 作曲compose:梅楣Mei Mei |SUNO 編曲Arrange:SUNO 狂風在怒吼 烏雲在翻滾 The raging winds howl, dark clouds churn high, 黑夜試圖吞噬 最後的光明 The night attempts to devour the last gleam of the sky. 我們的心 堅定如磐石 Our hearts stand firm, like unyielding stone, 絕不屈服 邪惡的勢力 We bow to no evil, no darkness will own. 謊言和欺騙 編織成一張網 Lies and deceit weave their tangled snare 試圖困住我們 讓我們沉默 They try to ensnare us, to silence what's fair 正義的呐喊 響雲霄 The cry of justice resounds through the skies, 撕破黑暗 照亮前方的路 Tearing through shadows, where the path of truth lies 我們是戰神 手握希望之劍 We are warriors,holding swords of hope alight, 無畏的靈魂 在狂風中閃亮 Fearless souls shining in the stormy night. 每一步都堅定 每一劍都果斷 Each step unwavering, every strike precise; 真理必將崛起 黑夜終將散去 Truth shall rise. andarkness will pay its price. 逆風中我們一步一步前行 Against the wind, we march step by step, 目光堅定 並肩走過黑暗 Eyes steadfast, side by side through the depths. 風雨摧不垮 我們的意志 No storm can shatter,the witl we hold, 在烈焰中 重生如鳳凰 In flames reborn, like phoenixes of old. 不懼風雨 也不怕黑夜 We fear no tempest, nor the dark's cold breath, 心中的信仰 指引前路的方向 Faith in our hearts guides beyond death. 心中的火焰 永遠不會熄滅 The Hame inside will never be undone, 真善忍的光芒將照亮新宇 Truth, compassion, forbearance light the new universe. 我們是戰神 手握希望之劍 We are warriors, holding swords of hope alight, 無畏的靈魂 在狂風中閃亮 Fearless souls shining in the stormy night. 每一步都堅定 每一劍都果斷 Each step unwavering, every strike precise,正義終將勝利 天空重見光明 Justice will triumph. and the heavens reclaim their light. --------------------------------------- 現在加入《梅楣The One歌唱訓練營》, 獲得免費“歌曲練唱資料庫”。 詳情: https://www.meimeiconcert.com/home1 --------------------------------------- 🔥乾淨世界頻道 https://www.ganjingworld.com/s/gXEw1pJNjY --------------------------------------- ▶︎ IG追蹤:meimeimusic.us https://www.instagram.com/meimeimusic.us/ --------------------------------------- 梅楣官網:https://meimeimusic.org --------------------------------------- ▶︎合作|演出|教學 郵箱Email :meimeimusic.us@gmail.com --------------------------------------- #戰神 #AI寫歌 #SUNO寫歌 (*^_^*)本頻道擁有所有內容版權,未經允許請勿轉載。