煮婦篇Cooking Vlog #19|牛腩燉白蘿蔔、養顏紫米紅豆、菜肉雲吞、烤勒排、肉醬義大利麵
✨請點開資訊欄 ✨ ---------------------------- 不專業煮婦和副主廚上線啦~~~ 這次做了好多食譜!標題都要擠不下了 長輩們常說 ”人那麼少 很難準備食物耶“ 但我都覺得 人多才難吧!!!(笑) 一家三口的伙食真的很好掌控食材量 菜肉雲吞冰冷凍可以吃很多餐、肉醬義大利麵也可以把一半冷凍起來 想吃的時候隨時拿出來解凍再煮個麵 檸檬烤雞腿三隻就可以配上很多蔬菜 總之!能吃就是福 吃的開心 生活就開心 美食乃正能量來源之一 絕對不能在飲食上虧待了自己~~~~ ---------------------------- ✔️FOOD - 牛腩燉白蘿蔔 - 養顏紫米紅豆 - 菜肉雲吞 - 蒜香檸檬烤雞腿 參考食譜 https://youtu.be/jLKIoOtNHBI?si=7Miqxkr-AgL--Ld_ - 肉醬義大利麵 - 烤勒排 ---------------------------- ✔️IG Instagram: somethingshelley https://www.instagram.com/somethingshelley/ ---------------------------- ✔️MUSIC 1. Expecting a Full Moon - Erik Fernholm 2. Strollin' & Rollin' - Mike Franklyn 3. The Barn Dance - Medite 4. Just One Kiss - Loving Caliber 5. Hickory Dickory Dock - Traditional 6. Smiling Sun - Mike Franklyn 7. Only Yours - Adelyn Paik 8.Season of Love - Gamma Skies 9. Train Ride - Alex Kehm 10. The Mo' the Merrier - Jerry Lacey 11. Sunny Waters from Meron - Valeria's Klezmer Chariot 12. My Perfect Chef - V.V. Campos 13. Garden in Bloom - Mike Franklyn *All the musics are from Epidemic, a royalty free site that needs monthly payment to access. 音樂都是從Epidemic付費網站合法下載使用 ---------------------------- 💌Business Inquiries: somethingshelley@gmail.com FTC: This video is NOT sponsored! (Some links are affiliated, thank you for the support if you guys decided to purchase through them.) 這支影片不是合作! (有些產品網址是有回饋的但不影響購買價錢)