美國和以色列家人第一次吃台灣水果 ~ 一口接一口好吃到停不下來 Tourists Try Every Fruit in Taiwan @EmmaSleepTaiwan
台灣種植的水果不僅甜又可口,而且品種也很多,在我來台灣之前,我從來不知道有這麼多種類的水果。即使是我在美國能買到的水果,味道也沒有台灣的好,每種水果都有其獨特及“正確”撥開和食用方式,光是水果就值得來台灣一趟……但你必須拜訪不只一次,因為台灣冬天還有完全不同的種類。 當我的家人來台灣玩的時候,我最喜歡的做的一件事就是和我的他們一起切各種水果,我一直想重看這段影片且重新剪接,請看我四年前發布,將兩則影片重新製作合併和簡短的版本。 自從我拍攝這段影片以來,我的人生有兩個很大的變化: 1)我不再戴眼鏡了,這是一個成功的改變。 2)棗子現在太甜了…這是一種失敗的改變,我更喜歡它們改良前的樣子,當時它們又脆又酸,我們已經擁有世界上最好的芒果,並不是每種水果都必須又軟又甜,這要歸咎於屏東科技大學傑出的科學家們。 這段影片的一部分是由艾瑪贊助的。去年,我得到了我的第一個艾瑪床墊,之後我把家裡的所有 4 張床都換成了艾瑪床墊,床墊很透氣,在夏天燥熱時也很舒適。快去官網找到最適合你的床墊吧,今年夏天不再床上大汗淋漓,如果它沒有改善你的睡眠,你也可以在前 100 天內退貨,連結將為大家提供網站上所有商品10%的優惠折扣。 德國Emma官網 世界睡眠日 最低62折 用專屬連結購買再打九折:https://links.emma-sleep.com.tw/xiaofei 折扣碼:xiaofei #德國Emma #EmmaSleepTW #emma床墊 #AwakenYourBest Not only is the fruit grown in Taiwan so sweet and delicious, but there are also so many varieties that I had never seen before I came to Taiwan. And even the ones I could get in America, didn’t taste as good as the fruit here in Taiwan. Each fruit has its own unique “correct” way to be opened and eaten. I think it’s worth a trip to Taiwan just for the fruit alone… but you’ll have to visit more than once, because we have a whole different crop of fruits in winter. Chopping up all the fruit with my family was one of my favorite experiences when they came to visit, I always wanted to revisit this video and edit it a little differently. So please enjoy the remastered version of the two volumes I posted four years ago, combined and shortened. Two things have changed since I filmed this video: 1) I no longer where glasses, that’s a win. 2) Jujube are sweet now… this is a loss. I liked them better back in the day when they were crispy and sour. We already have the best mangoes in the world, not every fruit has to be soft and sweet. I blame the brilliant scientists at Ping Dong University of Science and Technology for this. PPS: A portion of this video was sponsored by Emma. Last year I got my first Emma mattress, and have since replaced all 4 beds in my house with Emma mattresses. They breathe very well, so it’s a lot more comfortable for hot climates. Try one from the link below to avoid sweating in bed this summer. If it didn’t improve your sleep, you can still return it within the first 100 days. This link will get you 10% discount on top of all other sales on the website. 小飛 台灣戶外活動地圖:https://hopout.com.tw/ 募資小飛:https://www.patreon.com/xiaofei 小飛IG:https://www.instagram.com/followxiaofei/ 小飛衣服:https://www.a-myzone.com/product/?k=30 小飛背包艇:https://www.facebook.com/twpackrafts 00:00 水果 04:50 廣告: 德國Emma官網 06:30 更多水果 13:44 最後一個水果
《外國人在台灣生活的真相》身為一個在台灣生活許久的外國人,即使已經拿到永久居留證,我們仍然很多事情無法做 Even with an APRC, there are many restrictions
美國老爹千里迢迢來台追隨儒家思想的奧秘,操縱兒子說明書 Dad Moved to Taiwan Just to Make me do Chores ft. @EmmaSleepTaiwan