(中英逐字稿) 一個『Want』有多強大?超實用!用一個『Want』搞定所有英文表達!
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So today we're tackling a word that seems super basic. 太棒了!今天我們要聊一個看起來超級簡單的單字。 Oh yeah. 哦,是什麼單字呢? But it's actually way more interesting than you might think. 但其實這個字比你想像的有趣得多。 Definitely more to it than meets the eye. 真的,比表面看起來還有更多內涵。 We're talking about the word want. 我們今天要聊的是「want」這個字。 Want. 「Want」? We all use it, right? Like all the time. 我們每天都在用它,對吧?幾乎每時每刻都會用到。 Pretty much impossible to avoid using it, I'd say. 對啊,我覺得根本不可能避開這個字。 Exactly. But have you ever thought about how many different ways we use it? 沒錯,但你有沒有想過,我們到底用多少種方式在使用這個字? I have to admit, I haven't given it that much thought. 老實說,我還真沒仔細想過。 Well, buckle up, because we're about to uncover the subtle nuances of want. 那就準備好吧!我們要來挖掘「want」這個字的細微差異了。 Sounds good to me. 聽起來很有趣! And we're going to be drawing insights from MJ English's awesome YouTube video on this topic. 我們還會引用 MJ English 在 YouTube 上一支超棒的影片來解釋這個主題。 I've seen that one. 哦,我看過那支影片! It's really insightful. 真的超有啟發性的。 Totally agree. MJ breaks it down in a way that's super easy to understand. 完全同意!MJ 把這個主題講得超簡單易懂。 Yeah. And it really makes you realize how important this one little word is. 對,而且讓人發現這個小小的單字其實非常重要。 基本的「want」用法 So let's kick things off by thinking about the simplest form of want. 那我們先從最基本的「want」用法開始聊起。 I want, you know, a thing. 就是「我想要某樣東西」的意思。 OK, so like I want a new car. 比如說:「我想要一台新車。」 Exactly. Or I want a pizza. I want a vacation. 沒錯,或者「我想吃披薩」、「我想去度假」。 Exactly. It's that basic desire for something. 這就是一種基本的「想要某樣東西」的渴望。 But here's where it gets interesting. 但接下來的部分就很有趣了。 MJ points out that want is not just about stating a desire. MJ 指出,「want」不只是表達一個願望。 It's about conveying the intensity. 它還能傳達一種「強度」。 Oh, yeah, the intensity. 哦,強度? Right. So like I want a new phone is kind of casual. 對,比如「我想要一支新手機」,聽起來就是很隨意的。 Right. It's like, yeah, that would be nice. 對,就是「嗯,有的話不錯啊」的感覺。 But when you say I really want a new phone, that ups the ante. 但如果你說「我真的很想要一支新手機」,感覺就更強烈了。 Well, yeah, it's like my current phone is driving me crazy. 對,有點像「我現在的手機快把我搞瘋了」。 Exactly. And when you get to the level of craving, like I'm craving ice cream. 沒錯!如果說「我超想吃冰淇淋」,那就是更上一層了。 Oh, man, that's a whole other level. 哦,天啊,那完全是另一個層次了。 Right. It goes beyond just wanting. It's like I need it. 對,那已經不只是「想要」,而是「我需要它」。 It's a powerful feeling. 那是一種很強烈的感覺。 用「want」加強語氣 And the thing is, by paying attention to these little words around want, the intensifiers. 重點是,我們可以透過注意這些修飾「want」的小詞,也就是加強語氣的詞。 Yeah. We can really change the way our message comes across. 對,我們可以完全改變我們訊息的傳遞方式。 Totally agree. 完全同意! 用「want to」表示想做某事 Now, what about when we want to do something? 那如果我們想要做某件事呢? That's where want to plus a verb comes. 這時候就用到「want to + 動詞」的結構。 OK, so want to plus a verb. 哦,「want to + 動詞」。 Yeah. Like I want to travel the world. I want to learn to play guitar. 對,比如說「我想環遊世界」、「我想學吉他」。 Exactly. It's the go-to structure for expressing desires for actions and activities. 沒錯,這是用來表達行動或活動慾望的萬用結構。 It's so natural to write. You don't even think about it. It just flows. 這用起來非常自然,根本不需要思考,就直接脫口而出了。 Would like 和 Want 的差異 Now, you know how sometimes you hear people say would like instead of want? 那你有時候聽到別人用「would like」代替「want」嗎? Yeah, I've noticed that. What's the deal with that? 對啊,我注意到了,那兩個有什麼差別? Well, that's where politeness and formality come into play. 這就牽涉到禮貌和正式程度的問題了。 Oh, OK. Politeness and formality make sense. 哦,我懂了,這跟禮貌和正式有關。 So would like is like putting on your best manners. 所以「would like」就是一種很有禮貌的表達。 Like when you're at a fancy restaurant. 比如你在高級餐廳的時候。 Exactly. I would like to try the salmon. Sounds way more refined than I want the salmon. 沒錯,說「我想試試鮭魚(I would like to try the salmon)」聽起來比「我要鮭魚(I want the salmon)」更有禮貌、更精緻。 Uh-huh. That's so true. 對啊,真的。 So it's not just about grammar. It's about social dynamics, too. 所以這不只是文法問題,還牽涉到社交場合的氛圍。 Yeah. Choosing the right phrasing can make a big difference in how you come across. 沒錯,選對用詞會大大影響別人對你的印象。 Absolutely. 完全正確! 用「want」表達要求或期望 And here's another thing about want that MJ pointed out. It's not always about what we want. 還有一件事,MJ 提到,「want」並不總是用來表達我們自己的需求。 Oh, yeah. 哦,什麼意思? We can use it to express what we want others to do. 我們也可以用它來表達我們希望別人做什麼。 Like giving instructions or making requests. 比如說下指令或提出請求。 Exactly. So it's like I want you to listen carefully. I want you to finish your homework. 沒錯,像「我希望你專心聽(I want you to listen carefully)」、「我希望你完成作業(I want you to finish your homework)」。 My boss wants me to finish this report by tomorrow. 或者「我的老闆希望我明天前完成這份報告(My boss wants me to finish this report by tomorrow)」。 Exactly. It's a way of communicating expectations or even, like you said, giving instructions. 沒錯,這是一種表達期待,甚至像你說的,是一種指示方式。 Yeah. So it could be pretty direct, even a little bossy, depending on how you use it. 對,所以這用起來可以很直接,甚至有點像命令,這取決於你怎麼使用。 Totally. It's all about influence and directing actions. 完全正確,這關乎於如何影響和引導別人的行動。 And it's amazing how much power this one little word holds, right? 真的很驚人,這個小小的單字竟然有這麼大的力量,對吧? 用「want to」進行邀請 On a lighter note, think about how want to pops up in casual invitations. 回到輕鬆一點的部分,來想想「want to」在日常邀請中的使用。 Oh, yeah. Like want to grab a coffee. Want to go see a movie. 對啊,比如說「想喝杯咖啡嗎(Want to grab a coffee)?」或「想去看電影嗎(Want to go see a movie)?」 Exactly. It's super common, right? 沒錯,這種說法超常見的,對吧? It's just a friendly, open-ended way to propose something. 這是一種友好又不帶壓力的提議方式。 And it doesn't sound pushy at all. 而且聽起來一點都不強迫。 It's very inviting. 感覺很有吸引力。 Totally. So it's like this magical phrase that can initiate all sorts of social interactions. 完全正確,這就像是一個魔法短語,可以開啟各種社交互動。 And it's just so natural and effortless to use. 而且用起來非常自然又輕鬆。 總結時間 So let's take a moment to recap everything we've learned about want. 那我們花點時間來總結一下今天學到的「want」相關知識吧。 OK, go for it. 好啊,開始吧! So we've got want for things, want to for actions. 我們學到用「want」來表達需求、「want to」來表達想做的事。 We've got the polite would like to. 還有更有禮貌的「would like to」。 And we can even use want to tell others what we want them to do. 我們還可以用「want」來表達希望別人做什麼。 That's a lot packed into one little word. 這麼多用法都濃縮在這麼小的一個單字裡。 This deep dive has been a real eye opener. 這次深入探討真的讓人眼界大開。 I agree. It's amazing how much depth there is to something we use every day. 完全同意!真沒想到我們每天用的這個字竟然有這麼多層次。 進階討論:選詞的力量 And you know what? MJ's video got me thinking about something that wasn't explicitly mentioned. 你知道嗎?看了 MJ 的影片,我想到了一些她沒明說的東西。 Oh, tell me more. 哦,說來聽聽。 Could choosing between want and would like actually make us more persuasive? 選擇用「want」還是「would like」,是否可以讓我們更有說服力? Oh, wow. That's a really interesting question. I hadn't thought of that. 哇,這個問題很有趣,我還真沒想過。 Like imagine you're asking for a favor. Do you think saying, would you like to help me with this? Versus I want you to help me with this. 比如說,當你在請別人幫忙時,用「Would you like to help me with this(你願意幫我嗎)?」和「I want you to help me with this(我希望你幫我)」有什麼差別? Exactly. Could that subtle shift in language increase your chances of getting a yes? 沒錯,這樣細微的語言差異,會不會讓你更容易得到對方的答應? That's a really good point. It highlights how being mindful of our word choices can impact the way our message is received and how persuasive we can be. 這真是一個很棒的觀點,這也凸顯了我們對用詞的細心選擇,如何影響訊息的接受度,以及我們的說服力。 Exactly. It's something to definitely keep in mind. 沒錯,這是一件很值得記住的事情。 So much to think about. This has been a fascinating deep dive into the word want. 真的有很多可以思考的東西,這次關於「want」的深入討論太有趣了! It's amazing how much we can learn from just one word. 真令人驚訝,光是一個單字就能學到這麼多。 Then go out there and use those want constructions like a pro. Until next time. 那就試著像專家一樣,用好「want」的各種用法吧!我們下次見。 See you next time. Bye, everyone. 下次見!大家掰掰~ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 👍推薦💪 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 英文打字必用自動改錯工具 Grammarly(免費) ‣‣ https://grammarly.go2cloud.org/SH3E5 🎉追劇必備Nord VPN 安全、快速把全世界看透透(現正優惠) ‣‣ https://go.nordvpn.net/SH53d 📈 每個Youtuber必備的數據分析工具(免費) ‣‣ https://www.tubebuddy.com/mjLanguages 🗣領取10美元學習金 | 開始1對1口說練習 : ‣‣ https://go.italki.com/mjlanguages -- Hosting provided by SoundOn