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And I thought for our Taiwanese listeners out there who are trying to, you know, improve their English, wouldn’t it be great to be able to describe this kind of scene like perfectly in English? 像我前陣子去台北,超想喝珍奶,你知道,這可是台灣的經典!然後我就在想,對於想學好英文的台灣聽眾來說,能夠完美用英文描述這種情境不是超棒的嗎? Absolutely. Being able to talk about everyday things is so important for feeling comfortable with a language. 完全同意!能用英文描述日常生活中的小事,真的很重要,這會讓你用語言更自在。 So, that's what we're diving into today. 所以今天我們要來深入探討這個主題。 Sounds good. Let's do it. 聽起來不錯,開始吧! All right. So, we found this English learning post online, and it's all about different ways to say, "Let's get in line." 好,我們在網路上找到了一篇學英文的文章,主題就是「排隊」可以怎麼說。 Oh, interesting. I'm curious to see what they came up with. 喔,聽起來很有趣!我很好奇他們提供了哪些說法。 Yeah. So, they give us three options. Let's line up. Let's get in line. And let's queue up. 他們提供了三個選項:「Let's line up.(我們來排隊吧)」、「Let's get in line.(我們去排隊吧)」以及「Let's queue up.(我們來排隊吧)」。 Okay. I can see how those would all work, but they each have a slightly different vibe. 嗯,這三個都能用,但感覺上還是有點不一樣。 Right. Exactly. So, let's break them down. 沒錯!我們來仔細分析一下。 So, what about let's line up? Where would you use that one? 那「Let's line up」通常會在什麼場合用呢? Hm. Line up. It's kind of like what you'd hear in a more formal setting like back in school when the teacher would tell everyone to line up for lunch. 嗯,「line up」聽起來比較正式,像在學校老師會說「大家排隊去吃午餐」的時候。 Yeah. Yeah. It had that like organized almost official feel to it. 對對對,這種說法聽起來比較有秩序、甚至有點官方的感覺。 Totally. So maybe not the best choice if you're just casually meeting friends for bubble tea. 完全正確!所以如果只是跟朋友約喝珍奶,這個用法可能就太正式了。 Huh. Right. Yeah. If you said, "Let's line up for bubble tea," your friends might think you're being a little too serious. 哈哈,真的!如果你跟朋友說「Let's line up for bubble tea」,大家可能會覺得你太嚴肅了。 For sure. Yeah. In that case, let's get in line would be the way to go. 沒錯!這時候用「Let's get in line」會更自然。 Yeah. That one feels much more natural. It's like everyday American English. Like if you and your buddies were going to grab burgers after a movie, you'd say, "Let's get in line." 對!「Let's get in line」聽起來就超級自然,像日常美式英文。如果你跟朋友看完電影要去吃漢堡,就會說:「Let's get in line.」 Exactly. It just flows better in those casual situations. 沒錯!在輕鬆的場合聽起來更順耳。 All right. So, then we’ve got, "Let’s queue up." I feel like I’ve definitely heard that one before, but it doesn’t sound very American to me. 好,那再來是「Let’s queue up」。我好像聽過這個,但感覺不太像美式英文。 You’re right on the money with that one. Queue up is very British. It’s like those long orderly lines you see for Wimbledon or afternoon tea. 你說對了!「Queue up」是非常英式的說法,像是溫布頓網球賽或英國下午茶那種整齊的長隊伍。 Okay, that makes sense. It reflects a more indirect polite way of speaking, especially when you’re with strangers. 喔,這樣就合理了,聽起來比較禮貌、委婉,尤其是面對不認識的人時。 Interesting. So, like if I’m with my friends grabbing bubble tea. Let’s get in line. Those are right. But if I’m at a business conference and we need to register, maybe let’s line up is a better fit. 原來如此!所以跟朋友買珍奶時,可以說「Let’s get in line」;但如果是在商業會議要報到,可能「Let’s line up」會更合適。 Exactly. You nailed it. Context is everything. Choosing the right phrase shows you understand not just the words, but the culture behind them. It’s like adding that extra flavor to your English. 沒錯!你說得太好了。情境真的很重要,選對片語不只是語言能力的展現,也能反映你對文化的理解。就像幫你的英文加上一點「風味」一樣。 It’s like choosing the right tea for the right mood. Right. 就像選擇適合當下心情的茶一樣,對吧? Uhhuh. I like that analogy. 哈哈,我喜歡這個比喻! So, picture this. You’re telling your English-speaking friend about that crazy bubble tea line. You could say something like, "The line was so long, but we just had to get in line." 想像一下,你在跟說英文的朋友描述那個超誇張的珍奶排隊場景,你可以說:「The line was so long, but we just had to get in line.(隊伍超長,但我們還是得排隊啊!)」 Perfect. And think about how these phrases could work in other situations, too. Like, if you were describing a Black Friday sale, you could say, "People were lining up for hours to get the best deals." 太棒了!而且這些片語在其他情境也很好用。像是描述黑色星期五大特賣時,你可以說:「People were lining up for hours to get the best deals.(大家排了好幾個小時的隊,就為了搶到最划算的折扣!)」 Oh, man. I could just see it. 天啊,我都能想像那個畫面了! It’s amazing how a few simple words can create such a vivid picture, right? 沒錯!簡單幾個字就能勾勒出超生動的畫面,真的很神奇! Totally. So, to all our Taiwanese listeners out there, don’t be shy. Give these phrases a try. See how line up, get in line, and even queue up feel in different situations. 真的!所以在台灣的聽眾們,不要害羞,試著用用看這些片語吧!看看「line up」、「get in line」甚至「queue up」在不同情境中會有什麼感覺。 Exactly. The more you practice, the more natural it’ll become. And who knows, maybe you’ll even have some funny line-waiting stories to share in English. 沒錯!越多練習就會越自然。說不定你還能用英文分享一些有趣的排隊經歷喔! That’s what we love to hear. So, keep practicing and keep those conversations flowing. 我們超喜歡聽到這種故事的!繼續練習,讓你的英文對話越來越順暢吧! You got it. 說得太好了! And remember, the most important thing is just to keep talking and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. 記住,最重要的就是勇敢開口說,不要害怕犯錯! Couldn’t agree more. It’s all part of the learning process. 完全同意!這都是學習過程的一部分。 Exactly. Have fun with it. 沒錯!享受學習的樂趣吧! See you next time. 下次見囉! Bye. 掰掰! ▶【海外朋友】行動支持贊助我們 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/MjEnglish ▶【更多PDF下載】 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mjenglish/extras ▶學習更多請訂閱MJ英語 https://bit.ly/3CZWWLm ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 👍推薦💪 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 英文打字必用自動改錯工具 Grammarly(免費) ‣‣ https://grammarly.go2cloud.org/SH3E5 🎉追劇必備Nord VPN 安全、快速把全世界看透透(現正優惠) ‣‣ https://go.nordvpn.net/SH53d 📈 每個Youtuber必備的數據分析工具(免費) ‣‣ https://www.tubebuddy.com/mjLanguages 🗣領取10美元學習金 | 開始1對1口說練習 : ‣‣ https://go.italki.com/mjlanguages -- Hosting provided by SoundOn