SomeVlog Ep.93|坐渡輪Victotia半日遊🚢Nanaimo挖蛤蠣初體驗 🦪
✨請點開資訊欄 ✨ ---------------------------- 這次是疫情後Kevin家暌違四年的家庭旅遊 第一次從Victoria一路玩到Nanaimo 挖蛤蠣超好玩!但夏天去會更好 衣服會輕便點 季節時的蛤蠣聽說隨便挖都是大顆有肉的 有去過的經驗後覺得明年夏天可以安排再去一趟😆 #vancouverisland #nanaimobc #vanlife ---------------------------- ✔️PLACES Victoria: - Blue Fox Cafe - Parliament of Victoria 維多利亞國會 - Fisherman's Wharf - Blue Grouse Estate Winery酒莊品酒 Nanaimo: - Nanoose Bay挖蛤蠣(以前有生蠔可以挖但現在好像比較少了) ---------------------------- ✔️IG Instagram: somethingshelley ---------------------------- ✔️MUSIC 1. My Love - Adelyn Paik 2. Chalkboard Games - View Points 3. Jingle Bells (Acoustic Version) - The Wamsutters 4.Pearl - Adelyn Paik 5. Christmas Memories - Loving Caliber *All the musics are from Epidemic, a royalty free site that needs monthly payment to access. 音樂都是從Epidemic付費網站合法下載使用 ---------------------------- 💌Business Inquiries: FTC: This video is NOT sponsored! (Some links are affiliated, thank you for the support if you guys decided to purchase through them.) 這支影片不是合作! (有些產品網址是有回饋的但不影響購買價錢)