Stir Fry Taro With Minced Chicken 芋头鸡肉碎 #cooking #food #recipe #taro #yam #chickenthigh
Stir Fry Taro With Minced Chicken, simple and delicious, very tasty with rice, remember to prepare more rice Ingredients: 300g taro, 2 chicken thighs, 3 mushrooms, 3 cloves of garlic, 30g dried small shrimp 1) Peel the skin and debone the chicken thighs and cut them into small pieces, put them into a blender and blend 2) Dice the taro, slice the mushrooms, and mince the garlic 3) Pour more oil into the hot pan, add the taro and fry over medium heat until slightly charred 4) Leave some oil in the pan, add the mushrooms and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the dried small shrimp and minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add the minced chicken and stir-fry until completely changed color, add two spoons of oyster sauce, half a spoon of dark soy sauce, and half a spoon of pepper, stir-fry until the minced chicken is colored, add the fried taro and stir-fry until colored, add two bowls of water and bring to a boil, turn to medium heat and stir-fry until the sauce is thick, lastly sprinkle some green onions and stir-fry twice before serving 芋头鸡肉碎,简单又好吃,非常的下饭,记得准备多一点的米饭 材料:芋头300克,2个鸡腿肉,3个香菇,3瓣大蒜,30克小虾米 1)鸡腿肉去皮去骨再切成小块,放入搅碎机搅碎 2)芋头切成丁,香菇切成片,大蒜切成末 3)热锅倒入多一点油,油热放入芋头用中火炸至微焦 4)锅中留一些油,放入香菇爆香,再放入小虾米蒜末一起爆香,放入鸡肉碎炒至完全变色,加入两勺蚝油,半勺黑酱油,半勺胡椒粉,炒至鸡肉碎上色,放入炸好的芋头炒至上色,加入两碗清水煮开,转成中火炒至酱汁浓稠,最后撒上一些青葱翻炒两下就可以出锅啦