洋葱炒鸡腿肉,鲜嫩多汁,搭配洋葱香甜开胃,好吃又下饭,做法简单又容易 Stir fry chicken with onion are tender and juicy, delicious
洋葱炒鸡腿肉,鲜嫩多汁,搭配洋葱香甜开胃,好吃又下饭,做法简单又容易 材料:2个鸡腿肉,1颗洋葱,3瓣大蒜,2个小米椒,少许香菜 1)鸡腿肉去骨切小块,加一勺酱油,半勺黑酱油,1勺蚝油,一勺玉米淀粉腌制10分钟 2)洋葱切片,大蒜切成蒜末,小米椒切成小米椒圈 3)热锅倒油,放入鸡肉翻炒至变色,放入大蒜洋葱小米椒,翻炒至洋葱变软就可以出锅啦 4)再撒上一些香菜就可以开吃啦 Stir fry chicken with onion are tender and juicy, with onions are sweet and appetizing, delicious and best with rice, simple and easy. Ingredients: 2 chicken thighs, 1 onion, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 millet peppers, a little coriander 1) Debone the chicken thighs and cut them into small pieces. Add a spoonful of soy sauce, half a spoonful of dark soy sauce, and 1 spoonful of oyster sauce, a spoon of corn starch and marinate for 10 minutes 2) Slice the onion, chop the garlic into minced garlic, and chop the millet pepper into millet pepper rings 3) Heat the pan with oil, add the chicken and stir-fry until it changes color, add the garlic, onion, and millet pepper, stir-fry until the onion becomes soft and it can be served 4) Sprinkle some coriander and can start eating