泰式香茅炸鸡,香脆可口,带有香茅和咖喱叶的风味,非常好吃,做法一点也不难 Thai lemongrass fried chicken is crispy and tasty, delicious
泰式香茅炸鸡,香脆可口,带有香茅和咖喱叶的风味,非常好吃,做法一点也不难 材料:3个鸡腿肉,3个香茅,1把疯甘叶,1把九层塔,6个红葱头 1)鸡腿肉去骨切小块 2)搅碎机里放入香茅,疯甘叶,九层塔,红葱头,一勺蚝油,一茶匙鸡精粉,一勺鱼露,半勺胡椒粉,100毫升清水,搅碎 3)搅碎的材料和鸡肉一起抓拌均匀,放进冰箱腌制2个小时以上 4)腌制好的鸡肉加入四勺玉米淀粉抓拌均匀 5)热锅倒入多一点油,油热后一个一个放入鸡肉,用中火慢炸,炸至微焦就可以出锅啦 6)腌制的香料放入油锅用小火慢炸不要浪费 Thai lemongrass fried chicken is crispy and tasty, with the flavor of lemongrass and curry leaves. It is very delicious and not difficult to make. Ingredients: 3 chicken thighs, 3 lemongrasses, 1 handful of kaffir lime leaves, 1 handful of basil leaves, 6 shallots 1) Debone the chicken thighs and cut them into small pieces 2) Put lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, basil leaves, shallots, a spoonful of oyster sauce, a teaspoon of chicken essence powder, a spoonful of fish sauce, half a spoonful of pepper, and 100 ml of water into a blender and blend them 3) Mix the blended ingredients with the chicken and marinate in the refrigerator for more than 2 hours 4) Add four spoonfuls of corn starch to the marinated chicken and mix well 5) Pour more oil into the hot pan, put the chicken one by one after the oil is hot, and fry them slowly over medium heat until they are slightly charred and then ready to serve 6) Put the marinated spices into the oil pan and fry them slowly over low heat fry until slightly charred #chickendishes #chickenrecipes