泰式酸辣鸡,香辣清爽,鲜嫩入味,再配上米饭,超级的好吃,AJI-SHIO®️胡椒粉让你轻松做出简单又容易的食谱 Thai sour & spicy chicken, spicy & tasty
泰式酸辣鸡,香辣清爽,鲜嫩入味,再配上米饭,超级的好吃,AJI-SHIO®️胡椒粉让你轻松做出简单又容易的食谱 材料:3个鸡腿肉,3瓣大蒜,2个小米椒,1把香菜 1)鸡腿肉去骨切成小块,加入1勺酱油,半勺AJI-SHIO®️风味黑胡椒,抓拌均匀腌制10分钟 2)大蒜切成蒜末,小米椒切成圈,香菜去根切成小段 3)热锅倒油,放入大蒜小米椒爆香,再放入腌制好的鸡肉,翻炒至鸡肉完全变色,放入香菜,再加入一颗青柠檬汁,快速翻炒均匀就可以出锅啦 Thai sour & spicy chicken, spicy and refreshing, tender and tasty, best with rice, super delicious, AJI-SHIO®️ pepper powder allows you to easily make a simple and easy recipe Ingredients: 3 chicken thighs, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 chili peppers, 1 handful of coriander 1) Debone the chicken thighs and cut them into small pieces, add 1 spoon of soy sauce, half a spoon of AJI-SHIO®️ flavored black pepper powder, mix well and marinate for 10 minutes 2) Chop the garlic into minced garlic, cut the chili pepper into rings, and remove the roots of the coriander and cut into small pieces 3) Pour oil into a hot pan, add garlic and chili pepper to sauté, then add the marinated chicken, stir-fry until the chicken changes color completely, add coriander, and then add a lime juice, stir-fry quickly and evenly before serving