EP.33魯王養鳥/King Lu Raised the Bird
抱歉讓小朋友、大朋友久等了。Bear老師最近因學校突發事件而特別忙碌,加上身體微恙,所以遲了一些。謝謝大家耐心等候。如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。 背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcaiM3fYpGw Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你知道嗎?在2000多年以前的中國,有一個哲學家叫莊子(In China more than 2,000 years ago, there was a philosopher named Zhuāngzǐ),他常常用小故事來告訴人們一些道理(He often used short stories to describe some principle)。Bear老師今天就來跟你們說其中的一個故事(Today I am going to tell you one of the stories)。 從前有一個國家叫魯國,有一天,皇宮附近飛來了一隻鳥(A long time ago, there was a country called Lu. One day, a bird flew near the king’s palace)。魯王從來沒見過這種鳥,以為是神鳥,就派人把牠抓了起來,並且把牠養在了廟裡(King Lu had never seen this kind of bird before. He thought it was a divine bird, so he sent someone to catch it and keep it in the temple),魯王覺得這樣就沒有人能傷害那隻鳥了(King Lu thought that in this way no one could harm the bird)。此外,魯王還要求樂師每天演奏音樂給牠聽,讓廚師做最好的菜給牠吃(King Lu also required musicians to play music for it every day, and asked the chef to cook the best dishes for it to eat)。魯王說:「給牠最好的(Give it the best)。」可是因為這隻鳥失去了自由,很不快樂(But because the bird had lost its freedom, it was very unhappy)。而且,人類的音樂對牠來說只是奇怪的噪音,再加上,人類的食物根本不適合牠( Human music was just a strange noise to it, and human food was not suitable for it at all),結果那隻鳥嚇得精神失常,也吃不下東西,最後,只活了三天就死了(The bird was so scared that it became insane and couldn't eat. In the end, it only survived for three days)。 小朋友,聽了這個故事以後,你覺得莊子想要告訴我們什麼呢(After hearing this story, what do you think Zhuāngzǐ wanted to tell us)?你是不是覺得很奇怪,魯王明明給了那隻鳥最好的照顧,為什麼那隻鳥還是死了呢(Do you find it strange that the king already gave the bird the best care, and yet the bird still died)?那是因為魯王用自己的方式養鳥,而不是用適合鳥的方式來養鳥,最後造成了這個悲傷的結果(That's because King Lu raised the bird in his own way, not in a way suitable for the bird, which finally caused this sad result)。就好像,你覺得巧克力很好吃,所以你想給小狗、小貓吃(It’s like this: you think chocolate is delicious, so you want to give it to a dog or a cat),可是你知道嗎?巧克力對小狗、小貓來說卻是毒藥,他們吃了是會中毒的(But did you know? Chocolate is poison for dogs and cats, and they will be poisoned if they eat it)。 我們常常主觀地認為自己喜歡的事,別人也一定會喜歡(We often subjectively think that what we like will be liked by others),結果卻常常不如我們預期(but the result is often not as good as we expected)。Bear老師覺得最好的方式就是尊重別人的想法,多多了解他人的需求(I think that the best way is to respect other people's ideas and learn more about their needs),這樣能幫助你做出更好的決定(which can help you make better decisions)。 小朋友,你是不是想說:「父母或老師常用我不喜歡的方式對我。」(Do you want to say: "Parents or teachers often treat me in a way that I don't like.”) Bear老師覺得你先別難過或生氣 (I think that you don’t need to be sad or angry),因為,師長的出發點是善意的,師長想用他們覺得最好的方式對你(Because the parents or teachers’ starting point is kind, and they want to use the best way they know for you),只是他們可能不夠瞭解你,所以造成了反效果(But they might not know you well enough, so it has the opposite effect)。這個時候,你應該怎麼辦呢(Then what should you do)?Bear老師覺得你可以試試看把你的感覺說出來,好好地跟師長溝通(I think that you can try to express your feelings and communicate with your parents and teachers properly)。如果還是沒有用,你也可以試著問問其他長輩的意見,或者多跟同學、朋友聊聊(If it still doesn't work, you can also try to ask other elders for their opinions, or talk to your classmates and friends more),相信你一定能找到最好的辦法(I believe you will be able to find the best way)。 小朋友,如果你想婉轉地拒絕別人的善意,並且讓他知道這不是你需要的,用英文,你可以怎麼說呢? “Thank you very much, but it’s not what I need.” 意思是,「非常謝謝你,可是這不是我需要的。」 請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Thank you very much, but it’s not what I need.” 小朋友,希望你能夠學會尊重他人,也希望當你覺得不受到尊重時,能夠有勇氣跟別人溝通(I hope you can learn to respect others, and I hope you can have the courage to communicate with others when you feel disrespected)。Bear老師知道學會這些並不容易,但是,相信慢慢地,你一定能做到( I know that it is not easy to learn these things, but I believe that you will be able to do it little by little)。 小朋友,你喜歡莊子的故事嗎?像「EP.22井底之蛙」、「EP.23夏蟲不可語冰」都是莊子說過的故事喔,Bear老師以後再說別的給你們聽。 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!