EP.32小兔誤會了/ The Little Rabbit Misunderstood
歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。 Hello, this is teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你知道什麼是「誤會」嗎(Do you know what "misunderstanding" is)?你誤會過別人,或是被別人誤會過嗎(Have you misunderstood others, or been misunderstood by others)?如果發生了誤會,你覺得最好應該怎麼辦呢(If a misunderstanding occurs, what do you think is the best way to handle it)?最近小兔子婷婷也誤會了她的新朋友,害自己好傷心啊(Recently, the little rabbit Tingting misunderstood her new friend, making herself very sad)。如果你是她,你會怎麼做呢(What would you do if you were her)? 現在我們聽聽那天到底發生了什麼事(Now let's listen to what happened that day): 那一天,天氣真好,小兔子婷婷在草原上跳著跳著,在不遠處,她看到了她上個月才認識的新朋友土撥鼠波波(One day, the weather was really nice, and the little rabbit Tingting was jumping on the grass. Not far away, she saw her new friend Bobo the groundhog that she met only last month)。 婷婷:波波,你好(Hello, Bobo)!你在那裡做什麼啊(What are you doing there)? 但奇怪的是,波波完全沒有反應(the strange thing is that Bobo didn't respond at all),於是婷婷往波波那兒跳了過去,但就在同時,波波卻往另一個方向跑走了(so Tingting jumped over to Bobo, but at the same time, Bobo ran away in the other direction),婷婷加快腳步追了上去,一不注意,卻掉進了一個很深的洞裡,跳不出來了(Tingting jumped faster to catch up. Suddenly, she fell into a deep hole and couldn't jump out)。婷婷很害怕,她想大聲叫波波回來救她,可是,她也想 (Tingting was scared, she really wanted to call Bobo to come back and save her, but she also thought):「這一定是波波的惡作劇(This must be a prank by Bobo),他一定不喜歡我,所以故意挖了這個洞讓我掉進來 (he must not like me, so he dug this hole on purpose to make me fall in),難怪他不但不理我,還跑走了(no wonder he ignored me and ran away)。(哭起來)怎麼辦(What should I do)?為什麼他不喜歡我(Why doesn’t he like me)?為什麼他要害我(Why does he want to hurt me)?(越哭越大聲)」忽然,婷婷聽到了小象康康的聲音(Suddenly, Ting Ting heard the voice of the Little Elephant Kangkang)。 康康:婷婷,原來是你在哭啊(Tingting, so it’s you crying there!),你怎麼掉到獵人的陷阱裡了(how did you fall into the hunter's trap)? 康康伸長了鼻子,把婷婷拉了出來(Kangkang stretched out her nose and pulled Tingting out)。 康康:別哭了(Don't cry),現在你安全了(you are safe now)。 婷婷:(哭)是波波害我的(Bobo hurt me)! 康康:波波?應該不是(Bobo? I don’t think so),這是獵人的陷阱(this is a hunter's trap)。 婷婷:一定是他,一定是他(It must be him, it must be him)!(繼續哭) 康康:如果你不相信,我建議你明天好好地找他談一談(If you don't believe me, I suggest you have a good talk with him tomorrow)。 隔天,婷婷在池塘邊碰到了波波(The next day, Tingting met Bobo by the pond),她很想鼓起勇氣去打招呼,但是想到波波的惡作劇,她轉頭就想跑走(She really wanted to muster up the courage to say hello, but thinking of Bobo's prank, she turned her head and wanted to run away),忽然波波叫住了她(but suddenly Bobo called and stopped her)。 波波:婷婷,你怎麼剛來就要走(Tingting, why are you leaving right after you arrived)?你要去哪裡(where are you going)? 婷婷:哼!我知道你要害我,所以,我不敢靠近你(Huh! I know you want to hurt me, so I don’t dare to be close to you)。 波波:我為什麼要害你(Why would I want to hurt you)? 婷婷:那昨天我叫你,你為什麼不理我?還跑走了(I called you yesterday. Why did you ignore me and run away)?你害我掉進你挖的洞裡(Then I fell into the hole you dug)。 波波:真的嗎(Really)?我沒聽到啊(I didn't hear you)!而且昨天我也沒有挖洞啊(And I didn't dig a hole yesterday)! 婷婷:那你為什麼跑走(Then why did you run away)? 波波:因為我聽到附近有聲音(Because I heard a sound nearby),我以為是獵人來了,所以要趕快跑啊(I thought it was a hunter coming, so I had to run quickly)! 婷婷:喔~~我誤會你了(Oh~~ I misunderstood you)。對不起(Sorry)。 波波:沒關係(It doesn't matter),你一定是掉進獵人的洞裡了(You must have fallen into the hunter's hole)。你還好嗎?有沒有受傷(Are you alright? Are you injured)? 婷婷:幸好康康經過救了我(Fortunately, Kangkang passed by and saved me)。放心,我沒事了(Don't worry, I'm fine)。 波波:下次不要自己胡思亂想了(Try not to think like that next time),有問題隨時問我喔(If you need to talk to me about anything, just ask)。 婷婷:嗯,一定(Sure)。 小朋友,在你的生活中,有沒有發生過類似的情況呢(Has anything like this happened in your life)?如果你是婷婷,是不是也會誤會波波呢(If you were Tingting, would you also misunderstand Bobo)?我們常常會因為不夠了解,或沒有自信,所以胡思亂想,誤會了對方(We often make bad assumptions and misunderstand each other because we don't understand enough or have no self-confidence)。小朋友,你覺得避免誤會最好的辦法是什麼呢(what do you think is the best way to avoid misunderstanding)?Bear老師覺得可以好好地找對方談一談(I feel that you can have a good talk with that person)。如果你好好地找對方談了以後,結果還是讓你失望,這個時候,你再決定應該怎麼做。(If you have a good talk with that person and the result still disappoints you, then you’ll need to decide what to do about that)。 如果,你要跟對方說明「這真的是一個誤會,請聽我解釋。」,用英文,你可以怎麼說呢? “This is really a misunderstanding, please let me explain.” 意思是「這真的是一個誤會,請聽我解釋。」,請跟Bear老師再說一次喔: “This is really a misunderstanding, please let me explain.” 小朋友,避免誤會或解決誤會還有很多辦法(There are many ways to avoid or resolve misunderstandings),Bear老師希望你能多跟長輩談一談,相信你一定會有收穫的(Hope you can talk to your elders more. I believe you will learn something for sure)。 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!