EP.77 嫦娥奔月/ Chang’e flied to the moon
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What happened to them later? 后羿跟嫦娥雖然不能再回到天上去了,可是因為老百姓非常感謝他們夫妻倆,所以非常照顧他們。 Although Hou-Yi and Chang'e could not return to heaven, the people were very grateful to the couple and took good care of them. 因此后羿跟嫦娥在人間過著受人尊敬,並且衣食無缺的日子。 Therefore, Hou-Yi and Chang'e lived a respected life in the world, with adequate food and clothing. 后羿也繼續為了人民跟傷害人的怪獸戰鬥喔。 Hou-Yi also continually battled with monsters that were harming the people. 只是變成了凡人以後,后羿跟嫦娥的身體就不如以前強壯了,而且不但不能再飛上天,也得遭遇病痛與死亡。 However, after becoming mortals, Hou-Yi and Chang'e's bodies were not as strong as before. Not only could they no longer fly up to heaven, but they also had to suffer illness and death. 西天王母不忍心后羿幫助了人民卻得受到處罰,因此送給了后羿這世界上唯一的一顆長生不老藥。 The Queen Mother of West Heaven couldn't bear that Hou-Yi had to be punished for helping the people, so she gave Hou-Yi the only elixir of immortality in the world. 西天王母說:「只要吃了這顆丹藥,便能回到天上去,並且永遠長生不老。我就只有這一顆,別弄丟啦!記住啊!只能你自己吃。」 The Queen Mother of West Heaven said: "If you just take this elixir, you can return to heaven and live forever. I only have this one, don't lose it! Remember! You can only take it yourself." 后羿感激地收下這顆丹藥,但是卻猶豫了。 Hou-Yi gratefully accepted the elixir, but he hesitated. 他心想:「為什麼只能自己吃呢?唉~~如果我回到天上去,那嫦娥怎麼辦呢?還有,天帝一定還在生我的氣,我又怎麼能回去呢?」 He thought to himself: "Why can I alone use it? Alas~~ If I go back to heaven, what will Chang'e do? Also, the Emperor of Heaven must still be angry with me, how can I go back?" 因此,后羿便把那顆長生不老藥收了起來。 So Hou-Yi put the elixir away. 但是,嫦娥並不想經歷生老病死,而且她非常想念天上的生活。 However, Chang'e did not want to experience life, old age, illness and death, and she missed the life in heaven very much. 比起人間,天上的生活舒服多了,食物也好吃多了。 Compared with the earth, life in heaven was much more comfortable and the food was much better. 除了這些以外,天上還有她的姊妹們,嫦娥非常想念跟天上的姊妹們一起聊天、玩樂的生活。 And then, there were also her sisters in heaven. Chang'e missed the life of chatting and having fun with her sisters in heaven. 嫦娥心想:「雖然我也不想離開后羿,但是我可以先吃了丹藥,回天上看看,然後再回來陪伴他啊!能這樣兩邊來去,多好啊!」 Chang'e thought to herself: "Although I don't want to leave Hou-Yi, I can take the elixir first, go back to heaven, and then come back to accompany him! How great it would be to be able to go back and forth like that!" 嫦娥知道西天王母交代后羿不可以把丹藥給別人,因此,就決定用偷的。 Chang'e knew that the Queen Mother of West Heaven told Hou-Yi not to give the elixir to others, so she decided to steal it. 某天夜晚,趁著后羿熟睡了,嫦娥偷偷打開櫃子。 One night, while Hou-Yi was asleep, Chang'e secretly opened the cupboard. 正當她猶豫要不要馬上吃下這顆丹藥的時候,后羿突然醒了。 Just when she was hesitating over whether to take the elixir right away, Hou-Yi suddenly woke up. 嫦娥一緊張,居然就把丹藥往嘴裡塞,吞下去了! Chang'e was so nervous that she stuffed the elixir into her mouth and swallowed it down! 后羿:「嫦娥,你在做什麼?」 Hou-Yi: "Chang'e, what are you doing?" 嫦娥:「對不起,我吃了你的長生不老藥。」 Chang'e: "I'm sorry, I took your elixir of immortality." 后羿:「什麼?!」 Hou-Yi: "What?!" 嫦娥的身體越來越輕,越來越輕,往上飄了起來,飄出了窗外,飄到了天上,往寒冷的月亮飛去了。 Chang'e's body became lighter and lighter, floating upward, out of the window, into the sky, and flew towards the cold moon. 無論后羿怎麼追,也追不上了。 No matter how hard Hou-Yi chased her, he could not catch up. 最後,嫦娥也沒辦法飛到自己想去的地方,反而被困在了寒冷的月亮上。 In the end, Chang'e couldn't fly to where she wanted to go, but was trapped on the cold moon. 原來,西天王母給的長生不老藥,只能給像后羿這樣的英雄吃。 It turns out that the elixir of immortality given by the Queen Mother of West Heaven can only be given to heroes like Hou -Yi. 如果別人偷吃了,是會遭到處罰的。 If others take it secretly, they will be punished. 就這樣,嫦娥只能永遠住在月亮上了。 In this way, Chang'e can only live on the moon forever. 小朋友,中秋節快到了,你可以抬頭看看圓圓的月亮,看看是不是有一位美麗的女子住在那裡喔。 Kids, the Moon Festival is coming soon. You can look up at the round moon to see if there is a beautiful woman living there. 關於后羿和嫦娥的故事,是非常古老的神話,也有很多不同的版本。 The story about Hou-Yi and Chang'e is a very ancient myth, and there are many different versions. 如果將來你聽到了不一樣的版本,不要覺得驚訝喔,也可以比一比你更喜歡哪一個版本。 If you hear different versions in the future, don't be surprised. You can also compare which version you like better. 小朋友,你想要長生不老嗎?為什麼呢? Kids, do you want to live forever? Why? 你害怕經歷生老病死嗎? Are you afraid of experiencing life, old age, illness and death? 面對這些,我們能怎麼辦呢? Faced with this, what can we do? 如果你覺得這些都是沒辦法避免的,因為這就是人生,用英文,可以怎麼說呢? “That’s life.” 意思是「這就是人生。」請跟Bear老師再說一次: “That’s life.” 除了嫦娥,聽說月亮上還住了一隻兔子喔。 In addition to Chang'e, it is said that there is also a rabbit living on the moon. 想知道為什麼的話,請聽聽第10集喔! If you want to know why, please listen to episode 10! 我們下次見嘍! See you next time! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn