EP.81 英文繪本《秋天裡的動物:準備過冬》/An English picture book “Animals in Fall: Preparing for Winter”
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Does your mother often remind you to bring a coat when you go out? 而其他動物也因為秋天的到來,需要做一些特別的事喔。 Other animals also need to do some special things because of the arrival of autumn. 讓我們來聽聽看,在秋天裡,動物們都忙些什麼? Let’s listen and see, what are the animals busy with in autumn? 補充一下喔,在美國,秋天的英文是 “fall”,在英國是 “autumn”。 By the way, in the United States, the English word for “qiūtiān” is “fall”, and in the U.K., it is “autumn”. An English picture book “Animals in Fall: Preparing for Winter”/英文繪本《秋天裡的動物:準備過冬》 Author/作者: Martha Rustad Illustrator/插畫家: Amanda Enright Translator/翻譯:Bear Weir Chapter one:Animals In Fall 第一章:秋天的動物 Brr! The fall breeze gives me chills. 呃~~!秋風吹得我全身發冷。 My jacket keeps me warm. 我的夾克讓我保持溫暖。 But what do wild animals do in the fall? 但是野生動物在秋天怎麼準備呢? Animals know cool weather and shorter days mean summer is over. 動物知道涼涼的天氣和較短的白天意味著夏天已經結束了。 In fall, animals get ready for winter. 秋天,動物們為過冬做好準備。 Some animals go south. Some go to sleep. And some change. 有些動物往南走。有些去睡覺了。還有一些做了改變。 Animals that go south in the fall migrate. 秋天往南走的動物進行遷徙。 Animals that sleep for the winter hibernate. 冬天睡覺的動物會進行冬眠。 Chapter Two:Some Animals Go South 第二章:有些動物南下 Whoosh! Gray whales spout through their blowholes. 咻咻~~!灰鯨透過噴氣孔噴水。 Gray whales have their babies near Mexico. The waters there are safe and warm. 灰鯨在墨西哥附近生寶寶。那裡的水域又安全又溫暖。 All summer they eat to build up a fat called blubber. 整個夏天,牠們都會吃東西來累積一種叫做鯨脂的脂肪。 In fall, gray whales swim from Alaska to Mexico. 秋天,灰鯨從阿拉斯加游到墨西哥。 They live off the blubber as they migrate. 牠們在遷徙時靠鯨脂為生。 Flutter! Monarch butterflies fly south in fall. 撲~~!秋天,帝王斑蝶往南飛。 They usually fly all morning. They eat in the afternoon. They rest all night. 牠們通常整個早上都在飛行,下午吃飯,整夜休息。 They cannot live in cold weather. 牠們不能生活在寒冷的天氣裡。 They migrate as far as 3000 miles. 牠們遷徙達3000英里遠。 Millions of monarch butterflies rest together in trees. 數以百萬計的帝王斑蝶一起在樹上休息。 The branches of the trees sometimes bend down from the weight of so many butterflies. 樹枝有時會因為太多蝴蝶的重量而彎了下來。 Honk! Canada geese fly low across the sky. They form a V-shape. 嘎嘎~~!加拿大雁低空飛過天空。牠們排成V字形。 When northern lakes freeze, Canada geese migrate south. 當北方的湖泊結冰時,加拿大雁往南遷移。 They stop to eat and rest on open water along the way. 他們沿途停下來吃東西,並且在開闊的水面上休息。 A flock of Canada geese often flies the same route each year. It also stops to rest in the same places. 每年,同一群加拿大雁經常沿著同一條路線飛行。牠們也會在同一個地方停下來休息。 Chapter Three:Some Animals Sleep 第三章:有些動物睡覺 Grr! Black bears gobble fruits and nuts in the fall. They gain as much as 30 pounds each week. 吼~~!黑熊在秋天大口大口地吃水果和堅果。牠們每週增加多達 30 磅的體重。 Black bears look for a small den. They sleep in this safe place when cold weather comes. 黑熊尋找一個小巢穴。當寒冷的天氣來臨時,牠們就睡在這個安全的地方。 Black bears hibernate for most of winter. 黑熊冬天大部分的時間都在冬眠。 But sometimes they wake up on very warm days. 但有時牠們會在非常溫暖的日子裡醒來。 They might go look for food. Then they go back to sleep. 牠們可能會去尋找食物,然後再回去睡覺。 SSSS! Rattlesnakes slither to their dens in fall. 嘶~~!秋天,響尾蛇會滑行進牠們的巢穴。 They hibernate in caves or holes in the ground that will not freeze. 牠們在不會結冰的洞穴或地洞裡冬眠。 Hundreds of snakes may gather in one place. 數百條蛇可能聚集在一同一個地方。 Rattlesnakes often return to the same den each year. 響尾蛇每年都會回到同一個巢穴。 Young rattlesnakes are born in fall. They sometimes do not eat until spring. 小響尾蛇在秋天出生。牠們有時直到春天才進食。 Chapter Four:Some Animals Change 第四章:有些動物會改變 Hop! Snowshoe hares change color in fall. 跳啊跳!白靴兔在秋天會變色。 Their brown fur helps them hide most of the year. 牠們的棕色皮毛能幫助牠們在一年中的大部分時間裡躲藏起來。 But in winter they must be white to match the snow. 但在冬天,牠們必須變成白色,才能完美隱藏在雪地裡。 This color protects them from animals that might eat them. 這種顏色可以保護牠們不被其他動物發現並且吃掉。 Snowshoe hares stay very still when they sense danger. 當白靴兔感覺到危險時,牠們會保持一動不動。 Munch! White-tailed deer crunch acorns and grind leaves in fall. 吧唧吧唧~~!秋天,白尾鹿會嚼碎橡子並且咬碎樹葉。 Eating lots of food helps deer get extra fat on their bodies. 吃大量的食物可以幫助身體獲得額外的脂肪。 They live off their fat during the winter. 牠們在冬天靠脂肪過活。 Food is harder to find in winter. 冬天更難找到食物。 White-tailed deer grow thicker coats in the fall. Their coats keep them warm. 白尾鹿在秋天會長出更厚的皮毛。像外套一樣的皮毛讓牠們保持溫暖。 Chapter Five:Ready for Winter 第五章:準備好過冬 Look! I see the first snowflakes. 看!我見到了第一場雪的雪花了。 Fall is over. Winter is here. 秋天結束了。冬天來了。 The animals are ready. 動物們都準備好了。 小朋友,動物們都準備好了,你呢?你為冬天做了什麼準備呢? Kids, the animals are ready, how about you? What did you prepare for winter? 如果,你好好地準備了,你可以說: “I’m well prepared!” 意思是「我做了充分的準備!」請跟Bear老師再說一次。 “I’m well prepared!” 小朋友,在天氣多變的秋天裡,記得注意氣溫變化,照顧好自己的身體喔! Kids, in the changeable autumn weather, remember to pay attention to temperature changes and take good care of your health! 我們下次見嘍! See you next time! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn