EP.76 十個太陽/Ten Suns
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They were ten brothers who were the sons of the Emperor of Heaven. 這十個太陽的工作就是照亮大地,天帝規定他們一天一個輪流上班,按照所規定的路線從東到西緩緩移動。 The job of these ten suns was to light up the Earth. The Emperor of Heaven decreed that they should take turns to work each day, and move slowly from east to west on the prescribed route. 在天帝的監督下,每顆太陽盡責地完成一日的工作。 Under the supervision of the Emperor of Heaven, each sun completed the day’s work responsibly. 沒有工作的日子,其他的九個太陽也不能亂跑喔,他們得待在遙遠東方的一棵大樹上休息,等待下一次的工作。 The other nine suns couldn’t run around when unemployed. They had to rest on a big tree in the far east and wait to take their turn. 某天晚上,兄弟們抱怨道: One night the brothers complained: 兄弟一:沒工作的日子就得乖乖待在樹上,無聊死了。 Brother one:“On days when I don’t have work, I have to stay in the tree. It’s so boring.” 兄弟二:就是嘛~~而且工作的時候只能按照規定的路線移動,不能四處走走看看,那有什麼意思? Brother two:“That’s right. And when we’re working, we can only move along the set route, we can’t walk around, so it’s no fun at all.” 兄弟三:對啊,一點自由都沒有,我受不了。 Brother three:“Yes, there is no freedom at all. I can’t stand it.” 兄弟四:我也受不了了。 Brother four:“I can’t stand it anymore either”. 兄弟五:我也是。 Brother Five :“Me too.” 兄弟四:欸~~趁現在沒人注意,我們跑出去玩吧! Brother four:“Hey - let’s run out and play while no one is paying attention!” 兄弟六:這樣好嗎?父親要是知道了,會不會處罰我們? Brother Six:“Is it okay? If father knew, wouldn’t he punish us?” 兄弟七:所以要趁現在父親還在睡覺的時候快點出去,然後快點回來啊! Brother Seven:“So we have to go out quickly while father is still sleeping, and then come back quickly!” 兄弟八:可是現在沒有父親監督照看我們,會不會有危險啊? Brother Eight:“But now that we don’t have father to supervise and look after us, won’t it be dangerous?” 兄弟九:我們可是天帝的兒子,誰敢動我們? Brother Nine:“We are the sons of the Emperor of Heaven, who dares to touch us?” 兄弟十:沒錯!別猶豫了,走吧! Brother Ten:“That’s right! Let’s not wait around, let's go!” 兄弟們:走! All of the brothers:“Let’s go!” 就這樣,十個太陽飛奔出去,在天上亂跑亂跳,只顧著玩樂,忘了回去的時間。 So just like that, the ten suns flew out, running and jumping around in the sky, just having fun and forgetting about the time to go back. 而當十個太陽在天上玩得正開心的時候,地上的老百姓苦不堪言。 And when the ten suns were having fun in the sky, the people on the ground were miserable. 有的人昏倒了,有的人皮膚曬傷了,有的動物被熱死了,田地上的農作物枯了,河水都快乾了,怎麼辦呢? Some people fainted, some people's skin was sunburned, some animals were killed by the heat, and the crops in the fields withered. The rivers almost ran dry. What could they do? 就在人們快要絕望的時候,天神后羿看到了這個情況,憤怒地大罵:「你們這幾個小子只顧著自己玩,人間都快被你們給毀滅了,太可惡了。」 Just when people were about to despair, the god Hou-Yi saw this situation and cursed angrily: "While you boys only care about playing and fun, you’re about to destroy the whole world – this is terrible." 后羿舉起了弓箭,咻咻咻一連射下了九個太陽,人間立刻涼快了起來。 Hou-Yi raised his bow and arrows, and shot down nine suns with several blasts, making the world feel cooler immediately. 后羿追著最後一個嚇得瑟瑟發抖的太陽大喊:「看你往哪兒跑!」 Hou-Yi chased the last trembling sun and shouted, "Nowhere you can go!" 正當后羿準備射下最後一顆太陽時,他的妻子嫦娥趕來提醒他:「不可以!如果你把最後一顆太陽也射下來了,將來誰來照亮大地?沒有了陽光,這個世界也會滅亡啊!」 Just when Hou-Yi was about to shoot down the last sun, his wife Chang'e came to remind him: "No! If you shoot down the last sun, who will light up the earth in the future? Without sunlight, this world will surely be ruined." 后羿這時才冷靜了下來,放下弓箭。而老百姓們也紛紛走上前來感謝后羿和嫦娥。 Hou-Yi finally calmed down and put down his bow and arrow. And the people also came forward to thank Hou-Yi and Chang'e. 天帝終於醒了,發現自己的九個兒子都被后羿給射死了,氣得把后羿跟嫦娥貶為凡人,只能生活在人間。 The Emperor of Heaven finally woke up and found that all nine of his sons had been shot to death by Hou-Yi. He was so angry that he condemned Hou-Yi and Chang'e to be mortals, living in the human world. 而剩下的最後一顆太陽,每天都得辛苦地工作,一天也不能偷懶。 Now the last remaining sun has to work hard every day and cannot be lazy even for a day. 小朋友,聽了這個故事以後,你是不是覺得太陽兄弟們太調皮了呢?你一定很慶幸我們不必面對十個太陽,對不對? Kids, after listening to this story, do you think the sun brothers are too naughty? You must be glad we don't have to face ten suns, right? 還有,你是不是覺得后羿太衝動了呢?雖然他很想幫助人,可是當一個人在氣頭上的時候,是很容易的犯錯的,因此,我們一定要學會在憤怒的時候冷靜下來。 Also, do you think Hou-Yi was too impulsive? He wanted to help others, but when a person is angry, it is easy to make bad decisions. We must learn to calm down when angry. 如果,你的朋友忽然很生氣、很衝動,你應該怎麼勸阻他呢? “Please calm down first and don't be impulsive!” 意思是「請先冷靜下來,別衝動!」請跟Bear老師再說一次: “Please calm down first and don't be impulsive!” 小朋友,夏天這麼熱,記得要注意自己的健康喔,你也可以聽聽第73集,學會怎麼在炎炎夏日中保護自己。 Kids, the summer is so hot, remember to look after your health. You can also listen to episode 73 to learn how to protect yourself in the hot summer. 我們下次見嘍! See you next time! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn