EP.79 阿妞來訪/ A-Niu comes to visit
Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號晚間上架。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 背景音樂「蕭邦〈離別曲〉」:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpiJbQvBP8A Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。 小朋友,大約一年前Bear老師心愛的狗狗阿妞過世了,Bear老師好傷心,好傷心。 Kids, my beloved dog A-Niu passed away about a year ago. I was so very sad. 這一年來,我也常常在想,不知道她現在在天堂過得怎麼樣?沒想到,有一天…… Over the past year, I have often wondered how she is doing in heaven now. Unexpectedly, one day… 媽咪、媽咪!我來看你了,我很想告訴你,我過得超好的,請你放心。 Mommy, Mommy! I came to see you. I really want to tell you that I am living a great life. Please don’t worry. 雖然才來不久,就認識了好多新朋友。 Although I have only just got here, I already made many new friends. 喔,對了!天上一天,是人間一年,所以,我真的才剛來一天喔。 Oh, right - one day in heaven is one year on earth, so I have really only been here for one day. 媽咪,我知道你一直很自責,你自責沒多陪陪我,你自責沒多帶我出去玩,你自責沒早點發現我得了老年癡呆,你一直自責,自責個沒完……。 Mommy, I know you have been blaming yourself. You blame yourself for not spending more time with me. You blame yourself for not taking me out to play more. You blame yourself for not finding out earlier that I have dementia. You blame yourself all the time. You blame yourself endlessly.…. 可是媽咪,我想告訴你,我已經覺得很幸福,很幸福了。 But Mommy, I want to tell you that I was so very content. 在你領養我以前,我的生活既無聊,又辛苦,還一直生病,都沒有人帶我去看動物醫生,害我反覆感染,而且還每天擔心受怕。 Before you adopted me, my life was boring and hard, and I was always ill. No one took me to see a vet, so I got sick repeatedly, and I was worried every day. 可是跟你一起生活以後,你看我總是睡得多安穩,日子過得多爽快啊! But after living with you, you saw how peacefully I slept and how happy my life was! 還有,請幫我告訴爹地,他總是為我做超級好吃的食物,我最愛他做的優格了,真是人間美味,天堂的食物都比不上。 Also, please help me tell Daddy that he always made super delicious food for me. I loved the yogurt he made the most. It was so delicious in this world that no food in heaven can compare with it. 我也好想念他的抱抱,每次我偷懶走不動時,都是他抱著我走。 I also miss his hugs so much. Every time I was too lazy to walk, he was the one to hold me. 他真是一位好有耐心和愛心的好爹地。 He is such a patient and loving father. 也請你告訴阿慧妹妹,雖然我跟她那隻傲嬌的貓咪真的相處不來,也知道她一直忌妒我,因為我從你這兒分走了一些愛。可是我還是祝福她健康快樂喔! Please also tell my younger sister A-Hui that although I really can’t get along with that arrogant and spoiled cat, and I know she has always been jealous of me because I took some love from you, I still wish her good health and happiness! 還有,也請替我謝謝尚子阿姨,在我離開前,為我跟媽咪拍了這麼溫馨的相片,留下了美好的回憶。 Also, please thank Auntie Naoko for me. Before I left, she took such a heartwarming photo of me and Mommy, leaving behind such wonderful memories. 媽咪,我現在真的過得很好,無病無痛,精神也好。 Mommy, I am really living a good life now, no illness or pain, and I am in good spirits. 在人間,我已經老得走不動了,而且,老年癡呆害我什麼都不記得了。 In the human world, I was too old to walk, and dementia took away my memory. 可是當我一到了天堂,就變得又年輕又有活力,跑跳自如,超開心的。 But when I arrived in heaven, I became young and energetic again, I could run and jump freely, and I was so happy. 可是,讓我最不放心的,就是看到你跟爹地那麼那麼傷心。 But what worries me the most is seeing you and Daddy so sad. 所以我趁著玩樂的空檔跑回來告訴你,我真的很好,請你們別傷心喔。 So I took advantage of my free time to come back and tell you that I'm really fine. Please don't be sad. 對了,你知道我還碰到了誰嗎?阿布哥哥,就是我們以前一起散步時常常碰到的那個黃金暖男啊! By the way, do you know who else I met? Brother A-Bu is the golden and warm guy we often met when out walking together! 雖然以前我不太喜歡他,覺得那個冒失鬼,總是在我身邊聞來聞去,真討厭,所以那個時候我不太想理他。 Although I didn't like him very much before - I thought it was annoying when that rude guy was always sniffing around me, so I didn't want to talk to him at that time. 可是現在我好喜歡他喔,他很照顧我,給我這隻天堂的新狗介紹了好多好玩的事物,給我介紹了好多新朋友,還有天堂的規則,他真是個好前輩。 But now I like him so much. Now I’m the new dog in heaven, he takes good care of me and introduces me to many new friends, fun things, and the rules of heaven. He is such a good mentor. 我們都在一起吃喝玩樂,超開心的。 We all eat, drink and play together, which is super fun. (遠處傳來狗狗的叫聲) (The barking of a dog is heard in the distance) 媽咪,我的同伴在叫我了,我得回去了。 Mommy, my companions are calling me, I have to go back. 你要好好照顧自己,多休息喔,我知道你有很多想做的事,也還想照顧其他的可憐的動物們,可是健康才是最重要的。 You should take good care of yourself and get more rest. I know you have a lot of things you want to do, and you also want to take care of other poor animals, but health is the most important thing. 也請告訴爹地,我愛他,他是最好的爹地。 Please also tell Daddy that I love him and that he is the best daddy. 還有,我會在天堂等著你們的。可是請記得,天上一天是人間一年,所以不要擔心我等太久,我可忙著跟朋友們吃喝玩樂,覺得很充實呢! Also, I will be waiting for you in heaven. But please remember, a day in heaven is a year on earth, so don’t worry about me waiting too long. I’m busy eating, drinking and having fun with my friends, so I feel like my days are full. 所以,請你們慢慢來,開開心心地生活,等人間的事情都忙完了,再來找我喔。 So, please take your time, live happily, and come to find me when you are done with all the things in this human world. 媽咪,我愛你。改天再聊喔!掰掰~ Mommy, I love you. Let’s talk another day! See you~ 小朋友,雖然這一切都是Bear老師自己的想像,可是,神奇的是,每次只要我這麼想,我的哀傷就減輕了許多,慢慢地,感覺自己的心被治癒了。 Kids, although all of this is just my own imagination, the magical thing is that every time I think like this, my sadness is relieved a lot, and slowly, I feel that my heart is healed. Bear老師覺得時間和想像力真是最好的治療傷心的藥。 I feel that time and imagination are really the best medicines for sadness. 小朋友,你也有特別傷心的經驗嗎? Kids, have you ever had a particularly sad experience? 你也曾經失去過你愛的家人或寵物嗎? Have you ever lost a family member or pet you love? 你還覺得傷心嗎? Do you still feel sad? 要不要試試看,運用想像力來減輕哀傷呢? How about trying to use your imagination to relieve your grief? Bear老師相信在天上的家人也希望你能健康快樂地生活著,因此,你一定要學會處理悲傷喔。 I believe that your family in heaven also wants you to live a healthy and happy life, so you must learn to deal with grief. 如果,運用想像力後,你的心情好了許多,你可以怎麼說呢? “I feel much better now.” 意思是:「我覺得好多了。」請跟Bear老師再說一次。 “I feel much better now.” 小朋友,人生難免有傷心的時候。 Kids, there will inevitably be sad times in life. 不管是因為什麼事而傷心,記得,要想辦法讓自己快樂起來,才能健康地走下去喔。 No matter what makes you sad, remember to find ways to make yourself happy so that you can move forward healthily. 我們下次見嘍。 See you next time! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn