EP.34 唐詩〈清明〉/A Tang Dynasty poem "Qīngmíng" (#唐詩5)
睡得好是孩子發育關鍵,換季溫差大,你家過敏兒睡得好嗎?別讓過敏影響孩子的成長!LP33機能優酪乳含專利LP菌,榮獲國家健康食品認證,能輔助調整過敏體質!天天喝LP33,換季過敏不用怕!全聯、家樂福熱賣中! https://youtu.be/noxu6E4FBkw ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- 小朋友、大朋友久等了。不過你們知道Bear老師不會忘記的,謝謝大家耐心等候。如果需要完整逐字稿PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。 背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjE-l1PoEnQ Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。小朋友,你已經聽過Bear老師的故事了嗎?你喜歡那些故事嗎?英文聽不懂怎麼辦呢?別擔心(Don’t worry),學新的語言本來就需要時間。你啊~多聽幾次,慢慢地,有一天,你一定自然就懂了。試試看喔!加油(You can do it)! 過幾天4月5號是清明節(In a few days, April 5th is Tomb Sweeping Day),「Tomb Sweeping Day」的意思是「打掃墳墓的日子」。在清明節的時候,很多華人會去掃墓、祭祖(During Tomb Sweeping Day, many Chinese will go to visit the graves of their ancestors to pay respect),你家也一樣嗎(Is it the same in your family)?今天Bear老師就來給你們介紹一首跟清明節有關的唐詩〈清明〉(Today I will introduce you a Tang Dynasty poem "Qīngmíng" related to Tomb Sweeping Day)。 寫這首詩的詩人叫杜牧(The poet who wrote this poem is called Dù Mù)。 現在就讓我們來聽聽這首詩(Now let's listen to this poem): 〈清明〉清明時節雨紛紛,路上行人欲斷魂。借問酒家何處有,牧童遙指杏花村。 什麼意思呢(What does it mean)? 清明時節雨紛紛 意思是:清明節前後的那些日子裡,雨下個不停(During the days around Tomb Sweeping Day, it rains non-stop )。小朋友,清明節那幾天你觀察一下,是不是真的下雨(Around Tomb Sweeping Day, please observe whether it’s really raining)。 路上行人欲斷魂 意思是:在路上走的那些行人都非常地悲傷(Those pedestrians** **walking on the road are very sad)。為什麼悲傷呢(Why they are so sad)?因為他們去掃墓的時候,想起了過世的親人(Because when they went to sweep the tomb, they thought of their relatives who are gone)。 借問酒家何處有 意思是:我想問哪裡有賣酒的地方(I want to ask : where is the wine-seller?)。其實啊,杜牧很喜歡喝酒(Actually, Dù Mù liked to drink very much)。不過在古代,這是很平常的習慣(But in ancient times, this was a very common habit),而且杜牧是成年人,小朋友不可以學喔(And Dù Mù is an adult, so you kids please don’t learn it)。 牧童遙指杏花村 意思是:放牧牛、羊的孩子告訴我,杏花村那兒賣酒(The child who is grazing cattle and sheep points into the distance, and tell me that Apricot Blossom Village sells wine)。杏花是一種在春天開的花,杏花村就是開滿了杏花的村子(Apricot blossom is a kind of flower that blooms in spring, and Apricot Blossom Village is a village full of apricot blossoms)。 小朋友,掃墓的時候,你是不是看到很多人因為思念親人而傷心難過呢(When you visit the grave, do you notice many people are sad because they miss their loved ones)?可是,不管我們再傷心,過世的親人也不可能再活過來(However, no matter how sad we are, it is impossible for our deceased relatives to come back to life),這個時候應該怎麼辦呢(What should we do at this time)?你看,詩人杜牧建議我們一個好辦法( See, the poet Dù Mù suggested a good way for us),那就是去找找能讓自己快樂的事物(that is to find things that can make us happy),比如說,詩人杜牧就決定在這麼傷心的時候,去找一個地方,好好地享受美酒(For example, the poet Dù Mù decided to find a place to enjoy good wine when he was so sad)。 還有,你覺得真的有像杏花村這樣的一座村子嗎(Also, do you think there really was a village like Apricot Blossom Village)?還是詩人杜牧想像的一個像春天一樣,充滿新生命的地方呢(Or was it a place full of new life, like springtime, as imagined by the poet Dù Mù)?詩人杜牧覺得清明節雖然是一個傷心的日子(The poet Dù Mù felt that although Tomb Sweeping Day was a sad day),可是他不願意一直活在傷心當中,而是去找生命的樂趣與新希望(he didn’t want to live in sadness all the time, but sought the joy and new hope in life)。小朋友,你同意他的做法嗎(Do you agree with him)? 現在,讓我們來複習這首詩(Now, let's review this poem)。 〈清明〉 清明時節雨紛紛,路上行人欲斷魂。借問酒家何處有,牧童遙指杏花村。 你記住了嗎(Do you remember it already)?如果還沒,別擔心(If not, don’t worry)。多念幾次,你就會記住了(You will remember it if you read it more)。 小朋友,如果有一天你的朋友失去了親人,你想表達你的同情(sympathy),用英文,可以怎麼說呢? “I’m sorry for your loss.” 意思是「對於你的失去,我很遺憾」。 請跟Bear老師再說一次。 “I’m sorry for your loss.” 小朋友,希望你去掃墓的時候,不要太難過(I hope you won’t feel too sad when you go to visit and sweep the grave),想想快樂的事(try to think about happy things),相信過世的親人在天上看到你開心,他們也會開心喔(I believe that when your deceased relatives see you happy, they will be happy in heaven too)。 我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!