EP.37 會下金蛋的鵝/The Goose That Laid Golden Eggs
你家孩子睡得好嗎? 睡覺睡得好,是孩子成長的黃金關鍵! 瑞穗鮮乳,具有鈣和色胺酸,早晚一杯,能幫助睡眠, 同時補足孩子所需的成長營養。鈣好孩子成長基礎, 睡得好,長得好,一起成長,一起瑞穗! 點我了解: https://lihi3.cc/jerqT ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- 歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。 Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是 Bear老師。 小朋友,在上一集當中,我們談到了一隻貪心的狗,因為貪心,而害自己餓肚子(In the last episode, we talked about a greedy dog who made himself hungry because of his greed)。今天Bear老師要再跟你們分享一個因為貪心,而傷害了自己的故事(Today I want to share with you another story about someone hurting himself because of greed)。 有一位農夫,每天都努力地工作(There was a farmer who worked hard every day),可是,因為他的土地很小,生產的農作物不多,所以還是過著窮苦的生活( but because his land was small and didn’t produce many crops, he still lived a poor life)。有一天早上他走入農場時,眼睛被一道金色的光刺得睜不開眼(One morning when he walked into the farm, his eyes were blinded by a golden light),農夫向發光的地方走了過去,發現居然有一隻鵝生了一顆金蛋(The farmer walked to the place where the light was shining, and found that a goose had laid a golden egg):「天啊!這是金蛋嗎(My goodness! Is this a golden egg)?一定是上天知道我太辛苦了,所以派了這隻鵝來幫我(God must have known that I was working too hard, so he sent this goose to help me)。」農夫趕緊把鵝抱回家去,給了牠最好的食物與生活環境(The farmer quickly took the goose home and gave it the best food and living environment)。神奇的是,那隻鵝真的每天下一顆金蛋(Miraculously, the goose really laid a golden egg every day),而農夫也靠著賣金蛋,終於能過上吃飽喝足的生活了(and the farmer was finally able to live a life full of food and drink by selling the golden eggs)。 有一天,農夫心想(One day, the farmer thought):「雖然我現在的日子過得不錯,但是,我的房子不夠大、不夠好(Although I am living a good life now, my house is not big enough and not good enough),這隻鵝每天才下一顆金蛋,那我要等到什麼時候才能買大房子啊(This goose only lays one golden egg every day, so when will I be able to buy a big house)?如果能一次把鵝肚子裡的金蛋全部拿出來,然後 都拿去賣掉,就能馬上買一間大房子(If I can take all the golden eggs out of the goose’s belly at once, and then sell them all, I can buy a big house immediately),剩下的錢還能拿去做生意(and use the remaining money to start a business)。這樣多好啊(How great it will be)!」農夫越想越心動(The more the farmer thought about it, the more he wanted to do it)。農夫說:「鵝啊~對不起啊~但是我現在就要更多錢 (goose~ I'm sorry~ but I want more money now) 。」然後,他居然真的把鵝給宰了(then he actually killed the goose)。沒想到,鵝的肚子裡,一顆金蛋都沒有(Unexpectedly, there was not a single golden egg in the belly of the goose)。失去了鵝的農夫,既後悔又心痛,只能回到以前辛苦工作並且窮苦的生活(The farmer lost his goose, regretted and heartbroken, and could only return to his hard-working and poor life.),這個時候,他才明白,每天都有一顆金蛋的生活真的好幸福啊(At that moment, he realized that the life of having a golden egg every day is really happy)! 小朋友,有個成語叫「一夜致富」,意思就是很快就能變得非常有錢(there is an idiom, "to get rich overnight", which means to become very rich very quickly)。你相信真的有人能一夜致富嗎(Do you believe that someone can get rich overnight)?如果今天有人告訴你他有一夜致富的辦法,你會相信他嗎(If someone told you today how to get rich overnight, would you believe him)?如果有一份工作,雖然會傷害他人,但是卻能一夜致富,你也願意做嗎(If there was a job that would hurt others but make you rich overnight, would you be willing to do it)?小朋友,你一定要好好地思考這些問題,並且想想這個農夫的故事(you must think about these issues carefully, and think about the story of this farmer)。想要更多錢並沒有錯(There is nothing wrong with wanting more money),但是一定要心安理得、腳踏實地,而且還要有智慧(but you must have a conscience, be realistic, and be wise),你覺得呢(what do you think)? 如果你的朋友很貪心,你想勸他「別貪心」, 用英文可以怎麼說呢? “Don’t be greedy.” 請跟Bear老師再說一次, “Don’t be greedy.” 小朋友,如果你希望將來能擁有財富,那麼你就得好好地培養自己的能力,並且思考幸福的定義與金錢的價值(If you want to have wealth in the future, then you have to cultivate your abilities well, and think about the definition of happiness and the value of money)。 我們下次見嘍(see you next time)。