EP.78 孫中山先生 / Dr. Sun Yat-sen
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We need to talk about Mr. Sun Zhong-shan. 你知道孫中山嗎?外國人都叫他孫逸仙醫生。孫逸仙,是他的另外一個名字。 Do you know Sun Zhong-shan? Foreigners know him as Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, which is his other name. 西元1866年11月12日,孫中山先生誕生在中國的廣東省。 On November 12th, 1866, Dr. Sun Yat-sen was born in Guangdong Province, China. 孫中山先生的童年時代,正值滿清末年。 Dr. Sun Yat-sen's childhood coincided with the late Qing Dynasty. 對當時的中國人來說,那是一個悲慘的時代。 For the Chinese at that time, it was a miserable era. 不但政府非常腐敗,世界上的許多強國也不斷地搶奪中國的土地,人民的生活不但苦不堪言,也隨時都有生命危險。 The government was very corrupt, and many powerful countries in the world were constantly encroaching on China's land. The people's lives were miserable and precarious. 除此之外,社會上也有很多壞習慣與不公不義的情況,比如吸食毒品鴉片、地主可以隨便買賣奴婢、充滿迷信的風氣、女人的地位低下……等等。 In addition, society was afflicted by bad customs and injustices: for example, the use of opium, the casual trading of slaves by landowners, widespread superstition, the low status of women … and so on. 有一天晚上,孫中山聽到從姊姊房裡傳來的哭喊聲: One night, Sun Yat-sen heard crying coming from his older sister’s room: 姊姊:「娘,好痛,好痛啊!不要……不要…」 Sister: "Mom, it hurts, it hurts! No!… No!…" 孫中山趕忙跑進姊姊房裡,只見母親手裡拿著長布條,咬著牙,使勁地纏緊了姊姊的腳。 Sun Yat-sen hurried into his sister's room and saw his mother holding a long strip of cloth in her hand, gritting her teeth, tightly wrapping his sister's feet. 姊姊痛得不斷地掙扎、哀號。 His sister was in so much pain that she kept struggling and wailing. 孫中山:「娘!不要裹了,你看姊姊痛苦得都快要死了。」 Sun Yat-sen: "Mom! Stop it. See, my sister is in so much pain that she is about to die." 母親回答:「我也不願意啊!可是要是不幫你姊姊裹小腳,她以後會嫁不出去的。如果沒有男人要她,她這輩子就會無依無靠啊!」 The mother replied: "I don't want to do it either! But if we don't help your sister bind her feet, she won't be able to get married in the future. If no man wants her, she will be helpless in this life!" 孫中山:「娘,別擔心,如果姊姊嫁不出去,我會照顧她一輩子的。」 Sun Yat-sen: "Mom, don't worry, if my sister can't get married, I will take care of her for the rest of her life." 母親:「你還小,你不懂。」 Mother: "You are still young, you don't understand. " 孫中山:「娘,用大腳走路又快又穩,怎麼會有人覺得小腳才好看呢?這太沒有道理了,將來等我長大了,我一定要使社會去除這個惡習。」 Sun Yat-sen: "Mom, we can walk quickly and steadily with big feet. How can anyone think that small feet are more beautiful? This makes no sense. When I grow up, I must get rid of this bad custom in society." 就這樣,孫中山從小就觀察到了社會上的各種不合理情況,只是他不知道應該怎麼辦。 As in this example, Sun Yat-sen had observed various unreasonable situations in society since he was a child, but he didn't know what to do. 於是他告訴他自己:「我一定要好好地念書,有了知識,就能改變這個社會。」 So he told himself: "I must study hard. With knowledge, I can change this society." 在孫中山十三歲時,跟著母親到美國的夏威夷拜訪在當地工作的哥哥。 When Sun Yat-sen was thirteen years old, he followed his mother to Hawaii in the United States to visit his older brother who was working there. 這一次出國,孫中山看到了許多新事物,打開了他的眼界,也漸漸明白了國家衰弱、社會腐敗的根源就是清朝政府的無能。 On this trip abroad, Sun Yat-sen saw many new things, which opened his eyes, and he gradually understood that the root cause of national weakness and social corruption was the incompetence of the Qing government. 因此,他心中革命的種子慢慢地萌芽了,並決心建立一個自由、平等、博愛的新國家。 Therefore, the seeds of revolution slowly sprouted in his heart, and he was determined to build a new country of freedom, equality, and fraternity. 長大後,孫中山當了醫生,一邊替人看病,一邊宣揚革命思想。 When he grew up, Sun Yat-sen became a doctor, treating people while promoting revolutionary ideas. 可是在當時,倡導革命要是被清朝政府抓到,是會被砍頭的,因此孫中山先生後來必須到處流亡、躲藏。 But at that time, if the Qing government caught anyone advocating revolution, he would be beheaded, so Dr. Sun Yat-sen found himself driven into hiding and exile. 而當時,也有許多跟孫中山先生一樣有理想的青年們不顧自己生命的安危,一起參加了革命活動。 At that time, many young people with the same ideals as Dr. Sun Yat-sen joined revolutionary activities without regard to the safety of their own lives. 除了中國國內的青年,海外的許多華僑也提供資金幫助革命。 In addition to young people in China, many overseas Chinese also provided funds to help the revolution. 經過一次又一次的失敗,經過許多人犧牲了自己的生命後,終於在1911年10月10號這一天革命成功,推翻了清朝政府,建立了中華民國。 After repeated failures and many people sacrificing their lives, the revolution finally succeeded on October 10th, 1911, overthrowing the Qing government and establishing the Republic of China. 中華民國的人民也尊稱孫中山先生為「國父」。 The people of the Republic of China respectfully call Dr. Sun Yat-sen the "Father of the Nation." 後來中華民國還經歷了不少內戰與第一次、第二次世界大戰。 Later, the Republic of China also experienced many civil wars and the First and Second World Wars. 可是,在西元1949年,中華民國政府因為跟共產黨打仗失敗了,所以遷移到了台灣。 However, in 1949, the government of the Republic of China moved to Taiwan because it failed in the war with the Communist Party. 雖然Bear老師不知道將來中華民國會怎麼發展,但是Bear老師希望你能學習孫中山先生的精神,好好地累積知識、觀察社會問題,幫助需要幫助的人。 Although I don’t know how the Republic of China will develop in the future, I hope that you can learn from Dr. Sun Yat-sen's spirit, accumulate knowledge, observe social problems, and help people in need. 你也應該瞭解,我們之所以有現在自由、平等、富足的生活,是許多人的犧牲換來的,必須心存感激與敬意。 You should also understand that the free, equal, and prosperous life we have now is due to the sacrifices of many people, and we must be grateful and respectful. 小朋友,你對將來有什麼理想呢? kids, what are your ideals for the future? 不管你有什麼理想,都應該累積知識、拓展視野。 No matter what your ideals are, you should accumulate knowledge and expand your horizons. “You have to expand your horizons.” 意思是「你必須拓展視野」。請跟Bear老師再說一次: “You have to expand your horizons.” 小朋友,如果你還沒有機會到世界各地看看,沒關係,多讀書、多聽聽有教育性的播客,都能拓展你的視野喔。 Kids, if you haven’t had the opportunity to see other parts of the world, it doesn’t matter. Reading more and listening to more educational podcasts can expand your horizons. 今年2024年是中華民國第113歲的生日,讓我們一起祝中華民國生日快樂! This year 2024 is the 113th birthday of the Republic of China. Let us wish the Republic of China a happy birthday! 我們下次見嘍! See you next time! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn