EP.85 辦年貨/ Buying Things for Chinese New Year
大樂透春節加碼~買1張對3個獎項! 1/24~2/12,天天對億元頭獎、再對480組100萬元大紅包, 還有800組10萬元小紅包! 過年就要買彩券👉 https://sofm.pse.is/6yxh42 投注不過度 助人又樂己 未滿18歲不得購買或兌領彩券 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- Bear老師的故事每個月15號、30號上架。 📃如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤: 🅸🅶:bear.bilingual 𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 💝贊助連結:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/f2cb33e1-02d1-4fce-9e8e-68b636579fd0 辦年貨/ Buying Things for Chinese New Year Hello, this is teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。 小朋友,再過幾天,就是農曆新年了,這可是華人的重大節日,家家戶戶都開始置辦年貨了,你家也一樣嗎? Kids, in a few days, it will be the Lunar New Year. This is a major festival for the Chinese. Every household has begun to buy things for New Year. Is your family the same? 讓我們來聽聽Amy和媽媽都置辦了哪些年貨,看看你家是不是也和他們家一樣呢? Let’s hear what Amy and her mother bought for New Year, and see if your home is the same as theirs? 明天就是除夕了,今天早上媽媽帶著Amy到市場裡去逛逛,採買過年期間需要的東西。 Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. This morning, Amy’s mother took Amy to the market to buy things needed during the New Year. 市場裡的人好多啊,比平常多了一倍。 There are so many people in the market, twice as many as usual. 他們走啊走,在賣春聯的攤子前停了下來。 They walked and walked, and stopped in front of a stall selling chūnlián, which is a decorative piece of red paper on which is written an auspicious phrase. Amy:我知道我們家貼的春聯都是爺爺寫的,可是,今年是蛇年,我想買一張有可愛的蛇圖案的春聯,可以嗎? Amy: I know that the chūnlián posted in our house were all written by grandpa, but this year is the Year of the Snake. I want to buy a chūnlián with a cute snake pattern. Is that okay? 媽媽:當然可以!你自己挑一張吧。 Mom: Of course! Pick one for yourself. Amy:嗯~~就這張,「金蛇招財」,媽媽你看這隻金蛇畫得好可愛。 Amy: OK, this one, "Golden snake attracts wealth". Mom, look how cute this golden snake is! 媽媽:好,就這張。 Mom: OK, we’ll get this one. Amy和媽媽買了春聯以後,走到了水果攤前面。 After Amy and her mother bought chūnlián, they walked to the fruit stall. 媽媽:我們得買橘子、蘋果,你知道為什麼要買這兩種水果嗎? Mom: We have to buy mandarins and apples. Do you know why we buy these two fruits? Amy:我知道,因為「橘子」的「橘」聽起來像「吉祥」的「吉」。「蘋果」的「蘋」聽起來像「平安」的「平」。所以過年的時候吃橘子和蘋果,讓我們吉祥又平安。 Amy: I know, because the fruit “mandarin” in Chinese is “júzi”, “jú” sounds like “jí” of the Chinese word “jíxiáng”, which means “lucky”. The fruit "apple" in Chinese is “píngguǒ”, “píng” sounds like “píng” of the Chinese word “píng'ān”, which means “safe”. So eating mandarins and apples during the Chinese New Year makes us lucky and safe. 媽媽:沒錯,我們Amy知道的可真多啊。來,幫媽媽挑。 Mom: Correct, our Amy knows so much. Come on, help me choose. Amy:嗯! Amy: OK! 水果攤旁邊,是一個賣花的攤位,媽媽看一會兒,挑了一盆白色的水仙花。 Next to the fruit stall was a flower stall. Amy’s mother looked at it for a while and picked a narcissus in a pot. 媽媽:傳統上,過年時家裡要擺白色的水仙花或黃色的水仙花。 Mom: Traditionally, narcissus or daffodils are placed in the house during the Chinese New Year. Amy:好美啊!可是,為什麼是白色的水仙花或黃色的水仙花呢? Amy: They are so beautiful! But why narcissus or daffodils? 媽媽:一是因為過年期間,正是水仙花開的季節。二是因為,水仙花當中有「仙」這個字,過年嘛,大家當然希望家裡有仙人帶來好運。最後啊,是因為「水仙花」聽起來像「誰先發」,意思是「誰先發財」,你看,是不是很討喜呢? Mom: First, it’s because during the Chinese New Year, it’s the season when narcissus and daffodils bloom. The second reason is that narcissus and daffodils in Chinese has the word “xiān” in it , which means "good spirits". During Chinese New Year, of course everyone hopes that there will be good spirits at home to bring good luck. The last reason is because the Chinese pronunciation of “narcissus” and “daffodils” sounds like “shéi xiān fā”, in Chinese which means “who gets rich first”. See, that’s why people love this kind of flower, don’t you think so? Amy:喔!原來!誰先發?我!我!我先發! Amy: Oh! That’s why! Who gets rich first? Me! Me! I'll get rich first! 媽媽:好,今年給你一個大紅包。 Mom: OK, I’ll give you a big red envelope this year. Amy:謝謝媽咪。希望我今年收到更多壓歲錢。 Amy: Thank you, Mommy. I hope I receive more lucky money this year. 花買好了,他們走到了年糕攤子前。 After buying the flowers, they walked to the rice cake stall. Amy:耶!我最喜歡吃炸年糕了。 Amy: Yeah! Fried rice cakes are my favorite. 媽媽:我知道,那我們買大塊一點的。 Mom: I know, let’s buy a bigger one. Amy:年糕的「糕」聽起來像「步步高升」的「高」。吃了以後我會越來越好,所以要多吃點。 Amy: “Rice cake” in Chinese is pronounced as “niángāo”, this “gāo” sounds like the word “gāo” of the phrase “bù bù gāo shēng”, which means “moving up step by step”. After eating it, I will get better and better, so I have to eat more. 媽媽:好,過年期間多吃些甜的沒關係,可是平常不可以吃太多喔。 Mom:No problem, it’s okay to eat some sweets during the Chinese New Year, but don’t eat too much in normal times! Amy:我知道。 Amy: I know. 年糕攤子旁是一個糖果攤子,媽媽猶豫了一下,還是抓了一把糖果。 Next to the rice cake stall was a candy stall. Amy’s mother hesitated, but then grabbed a handful of candies. 媽媽:吃太多糖實在不太好,但是,過年期間,大家都應該吃點甜蜜蜜的東西沾沾喜氣。也讓來家裡的客人有甜甜蜜蜜的感覺。 Mom: It’s not good to eat too much candy, but during the Chinese New Year, everyone should eat something sweet to get happiness and good luck. It also gives guests who come to our home a sweet feeling. Amy:耶!謝謝媽媽。 Amy: Yeah! Thank you Mom. Amy和媽媽看著許多包裝漂亮的糖果,哪種都想買,挑了好久,好不容易才裝滿了一袋。 Amy and her mother looked at the many beautifully wrapped candies and wanted to buy them all. After choosing for quite a while, they finally filled a bag. 媽媽:對了,還要買一條魚。 Mom: Oh, we need to buy a fish. Amy:我知道,「魚」聽起來像「年年有餘」的「餘」,代表衣食富足,每年都有剩下來的東西。 Amy: I know, the Chinese word "fish" is pronounced as “yú”, this “yú” sounds like the word “yú” of the phrase “nián nián yǒu yú”, which means that there is plenty of food and clothing, and with extra every year. 媽媽:嗯,說得很對。不過,魚還是新鮮的好,我明天一大早再去買吧!除了魚,明天還要買不少肉和青菜。走,我們先回家吧! Mom: Yes, that’s right. But it’s better to get a fresh fish. I will buy it early tomorrow morning! In addition to fish, we also need to buy a lot of meat and vegetables tomorrow. Come on, let’s go home first! Amy:好。過年要吃大魚大肉,可是吃素的人怎麼辦? Amy: OK. We have to eat big fish and meat during the Chinese New Year, but what about vegetarians? 媽媽:可以用豆腐做的魚或肉代替啊! Mom: They can eat fish or meat made from tofu instead! Amy:喔~~原來。聽老師說,年夜飯一定要豐盛才行。 Amy: Oh~~I see. My teacher told us that the New Year’s Eve dinner must be sumptuous. 媽媽:是啊,再窮的人家,年夜飯也要盡量豐盛,才有過年的感覺。此外,一家人也要團圓在一起吃年夜飯。可惜今年你姑姑在國外工作不能回來。 Mom: Yes, no matter how poor a family is, the New Year’s Eve dinner should be as sumptuous as possible to feel like celebrating New Year. In addition, the family also gets together to have New Year's Eve dinner. It's a pity that your aunt is working abroad and can't come back this year. Amy:我們老師說根據習俗,要給不能回家吃年夜飯的家人留一副碗筷。 Amy: Our teacher said that according to custom, we should leave a pair of chopsticks and a bowl for those family members who can’t go home for New Year’s Eve dinner. 媽媽:在古代是這麼做沒錯,不過現在通訊發達,吃年夜飯的時候,我們就打開視訊跟你姑姑一邊聊天一邊吃吧! Mom: This was true in ancient times, but now that communications are developed, when we have New Year’s Eve dinner, let’s use video chat to talk with your aunt while eating! Amy:以前我都會跟姑姑坐在電視前一起守歲,今年,我也可以看電視,過半夜十二點才睡覺嗎? Amy: In the past, I would sit in front of the TV with my aunt to stay up late together. This year, can I also watch TV and not go to bed until midnight? 媽媽:當然可以啊!反正除夕的半夜十二點很多人家開始放鞭炮,聽著也睡不著,那就守歲到天亮吧! Mom: Of course! Anyway, many people start setting off firecrackers at midnight on New Year’s Eve, and you can’t fall asleep anyway because of the noise, so just stay up until dawn! Amy:耶!我真的等不及要過年了! Amy: Yeah! I really can’t wait for New Year! 小朋友,你們家準備好過年了嗎?你也幫忙大掃除、貼春聯嗎? Kids, are your families ready for New Year? Do you also help with cleaning and posting chūnlián? 你是不是等不及了呢? You can’t wait, right? “I can't wait for Chinese New Year!” 意思是「我等不及過年了!」請跟Bear老師再說一次: “I can't wait for Chinese New Year !” 小朋友,新年快樂,恭喜發財,祝你收到很多壓歲錢喔! Happy New Year, kids, may you get rich and may you receive lots of lucky money! 關於中國新年,如果你想知道更多,也請聽聽第27集喔! If you want to know more about Chinese New Year, please listen to episode 27. 我們中國新年見嘍! See you in the New Year! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn